TJ plays a ton of poker in Vegas for WSOP! ...And occasionally eats

On the cab to the bank, I make my plans for the rest of the weekend. Obviously, playing the $1,500 Closer is out. Just giving myself an honest assessment of ANY large field donkament, even if I think I’m one of the better players, the most likely outcome is I bust with nothing 85-90% of the time, at least.

The times I cash, it’s somewhere between a nice hit to a life-changing score…. Which is why I play, obviously. But since I don’t want to get in the red any deeper, it would be irresponsible of me to play that large an event.

So as I’m cabbing it over to the bank, the mission has shifted into cash game mode. I feel insurmountably stuck, so I’m just gonna play and try to come home with as much as I can.

I tell myself I can fire one more full stacked bullet at 2/5, and if that busts, I’ll spend the rest of the trip playing 1/3.

Next I check into my Airbnb. I would have stayed at the same place, but they were booked. This time I’m in a little side apartment attached to a regular residential house on the east side of town. I have my own entrance, and a fridge…. But I’m pretty sure it’s not up to code, as there’s no fan in the bathroom. Hmmmm.

Las Vegas is sensibly laid out with major streets intersecting each other making neatly square sections, and there’s businesses and restaurants near those intersections.

So I wandered around in search of food, and found a Mexican place called Frijoles y Frescas. I don’t know what it is, but Mexican food on the west coast just hits different than it does back east. I got a chicken taco, quesadilla el pastor, and a carne asada burrito. It was all good, and the quesadilla al pastor was amazing, just awesome seasoning on the pork. No pictures, because I wasn’t sure if I was ever updating this thread again.

Then I walked home at about dusk, and slept all the way through to this morning.


Wake up refreshed, with my mind right and full of focus. Uber over to Venetian, where I get a healthy and nutritious Vegas breakfast of…. Pizza. Same pie I got last time, the mambo Italiano with the meats, add black olives.

Head downstairs, and get in the 3/5 game…. And it starts bad. A woman in her 60’s, maybe 70’s, sits in and knows all the dealers by name. “Okay, won’t be paying HER off anytime soon” is my initial read. The first hand we play, I raise J9 suited from the cutoff, she calls in the big blind. Comes down 9c 5h 2c, she check/calls my 25. Turn 2s, she check/calls my 55. River is an ugly 7c, and she IMMEDIATELY leads out 100. I grumble to myself and fold.

Next hand of consequence, I overlimp in late position with 6d 5d, and it winds up being 7 ways to a flop that smashes me, 3d 4d 5c. The lady bets out 20, one call, a dude makes it 85, and it’s on me. I could raise here, because I’m dripping in equity…. But I really don’t want to get it in against a set or the nut flush draw. 7-way limped pot. So I flat the 85, as does the lady. Turn Th, the lady checks, raiser bets 120, I… flat again? The lady calls. River completes my flush, but pairs the board with the Td. Now the lady immediately leads out 200, and the other guy calls?!?!?

So I’m sitting there, on the river with a baby front door flush, facing a big bet and a call. I work through it, and think a 3-4-5 flop also smashes a lot of small pair overlimpers. And my flush is only 6 high, and 7 people saw the flop. So I agonize some more, and lay it down.

The lady turns up 66, and the other guy shows 7c 6c, and wins…. And I am SEETHING.

It doesn’t help my tilt that the next hand I play is AK. Raise, lady and the same guy calls, and they both call my bet on a K-J-8 flop. Turn is a 7, and I should have slowed down, but I didn’t, and bet again. The lady raises, and the guy cold flats both.

I may be tilting, I may be scared money, and I may be stuck piles, but the Baluga theorem is still a thing…. And that is NOT a board to felt 1 pair in a single raised pot. So I fold. The lady and the guy get it in, and they both had T9.

So I’m still steaming, but I’m determined to play good and keep getting it in good. Screw down and tighten up, then I win a nice pot with a turned set of tens to get almost back to even. Then this hand comes up:

Someone raises, Asian guy who seems solid 3 bets to 65, I flat out of the big blind with 77. Flop comes A-8-7 rainbow, so I check, intending to check raise and barrel off…. But he disappoints me and checks back. Turn is a king, so I lead 80, and now he raises to 230. I think to myself oh man, do I really run this bad? Did he really turn a set of kings? …And I call. River is a ten that doesn’t complete a flush, I check, and he bets 480. I puke, and go into the tank. KK? Really?

And then I have a moment of clarity: he could ALSO play AA this way. And he definitely shouldn’t play AK like that. So I fold and show, and the table goes wild. He mucks without showing.

What I hate about big folds is that if you don’t know you were right, it doesn’t necessarily ease the tilt, because you still lose.


Thread delivers. Or not-delivers. Looking forward to the happy ending. Or not.

So I grind some more, and get back to about 1500…. And several hours later, I make a score.

Same setup, someone raises, the Asian guy 3 bets to 60, I call with 33 in the big blind, it comes T-6-3 with two spades. I check again, and this time he obliged with a bet to 75, which I raise to 220. He calls fairly quickly. Turn is a non-spade 5, so I think a minute and bet 445. He thinks and calls. River is a beautiful 8 of hearts. I count to 17 Mississippi, and ship for 900ish effective. He snap calls, and I show him the bad news.

I decide that’s about enough for one day, so I’m just gonna get my chips in stacks and then rack up. As I’m doing that, I raise AT and get some calls. Flop comes T-x-x with two spades, so I bet and get raised by a loose, aggro, bad player. Turn is a Queen, so I check, and he bets fairly quickly. I call, and the river is another ten. I almost shoved, but then I thought about how I’d seen him ship as a bluff. I checked, he shoved, I snapped, and he had AJ and looked disgusted with himself.

I was getting hungry, and I was elated to end that session +2350, more than halfway back to even! I figured that’s reason enough to get an incredible steak at Delmonico’s.


I may be down, but I’m still on vacation, and Vegas is a fantastic food city, so I treated myself to the bone in ribeye. Even if I come home down money, I wanted to be sure to get a memorable meal.

The bartender recommended me a nice Cabernet Sauvignon, and I got the 20 oz bone in ribeye with two half sides: the creamed spinach and the smashed potatoes.

It was a lot of food, and I ate it ALL, with two glasses of wine. I thought about dessert, but figured I’d done enough damage as it was. I did ask if they have Pappy Van Winkle bourbon, and they do. The 23 year is a $500 a pour, and the 15 year was like $275. Maybe next time.

The total was $145, and I left a $35 tip.


After a nice dinner, I was enthused about playing another session and seeing how much more of the way I could claw back. I played for 4.5 hours, and had multiple chances to book a small yet decent win, and sadly I passed them by and quit down. I had several chances to win huge pots, but it wasn’t to be.

I was +700ish at one point, when two deep stacks limped and I raised Ks Js to 30, and they called. Flop was J-7-2 with two clubs, and one of the deeper stacks donked out for 60. I thought about raising, (and in hindsight I definitely should have), but anyway I just called. The turn was an off suit 5, and he checked. I think a minute and bet 105, then he raises to 330! I’d seen him get aggro in weird spots before, and my impression of him was that he’s…. impulsive.

The key here to me is that he overlimped pre, and didn’t iso when he had the chance. I guess 22 is possible, but here I’m putting him more on an 8c 9c or Tc kind of hand. I think if he has a Jack, then I have the best Jack. 89 did just turn double-gutted. Anyway I call the raise, and the river is a red 9. I would have puked and had a decision if he shoved, but he bet 280, which was less than his turn c/r. Now I’m thinking maybe he’s run out of heart and has busted clubs, so I call. He announces “two pair,” I say “it’s good.” …and he turns up Jack fucking nine.

Back to about even. Grind some more, and I think I was playing pretty well. Made a big call down with KQ high on an A-A-5-7-2 runout after the flop checked through. Floated a flop check raise on a Jack high flop with 2nd pair, sensing a move, and checked back the king turn. He led the Ace river and stared at me intently, so I shipped as a bluff, and he folded and showed a Jack, bemoaning how lucky I got to catch an ace. I didn’t show the bluff, obv.

Then I open black 8’s to 20, and a guy who’d been playing tight 3bet to 80. I called out of position, and checked the T-5-2 two heart flop to him. He continued for 85. I don’t know if it was the way he bet, or the size, but I just didn’t believe him. I could have checkraised, but I didn’t want an overpair or two heart over cards to ship on me, so I just called. Turn was the 7s, putting two spades out to go with the two hearts. I check again, and this time he bets 180. Again, I just can’t shake the feeling that I’m ahead, so I call. River is an ugly queen of hearts. I think a bit and check. He tanks for a full minute, and checks back with KQ, no heart, and I’m mad at myself for the way I played it. I pay attention, I make good reads, I need to be more confident in them!

Just a couple hands later, that same guy opens for 20, the deepstack from the J9 hand calls, and I look down at AQo in the big blind. I wanted to show him that I, too, have a 3bet button, so I make it 105. He 4bets to 340 fairly quickly. After seeing him just 3bet and double barrel an airball, I’m thinking he has a rather small penis, so I call. Flop comes Q-9-6 with two spades, and I giggle inside, because I’m about to check/ship on this guy SO hard and it’s gonna be AWESOME. I check, he bets 425, I wait a moment and rip for about 1200 effective. He calls, and his KK holds up. Rats. That was an unfortunate setup, with the game flow and table dynamics in play at that specific time. I don’t regret my play on either street.

I sigh, call that a night, and pick up the rest of it, ending that session -1110. Still up over a grand on the day, still stuck less than 3k on the trip. Progress. If I had caught a couple different rivers, I could have crushed the nightcap as hard as the day shift. Story of my life, I guess.

The overarching theme is I played disciplined, made some big lay downs, and for the most part trusted my reads. It restored the confidence I have in myself that if I’m patient, AND observant, then the results I want will follow.

So now, bed…. With a full day’s grind at Venetian ahead of me for a football Sunday! The Bengals are in town, and a hoo-wasted guy in Bengals gear came by our table and thoughtfully dropped off 500 in under 20 minutes (though not to me, unfortunately).

Hopefully that kind of nonsense continues. Focus, patience, and discipline.


Love the TR man. What a roller coaster. Good luck!

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Looks like the Wynn and Venetian both have $400 one-day events today.

Annoyed with myself for my day shift session. I was as high as +1500 at one point, but busted it to finish -1200. Once again, I didn’t know what to do with a set out of position on a flush river in a HUGE pot, so I shoved and stacked myself.

Grabbing dinner then we’re gonna try again.

The idea of a session is kinda false. You’re on a 3 day session. Don’t sweat about individual tables. The reason to get up shouldn’t be to book a win, but either the table is bad, you aren’t feeling it or, and vastly undervalued imo, you have an uncomfortable stack size to play with. We are not all Garret Adelsteins. Playing a 3k stack in 2-5 can put us in tough situations that are hard to navigate. Nothing wrong with racking up and buying in again at a different poker room.


^^I wish I would have thought of that a few hours ago…. Definitely good advice.

Had dinner at Sugarcane Raw Bar and Grill on Restaurant Row in Venetian. Oysters aren’t really my thing, but they were open.

I had the lamb chops, which came over a salad with a pomegranate vinaigrette. The flavor was loud and maybe a bit too tangy, but it was good.

It was $32.

I think next time I do Vegas, I’ll just come to Venetian or Palazzo. It’s one of the best poker rooms, and I like the food options more than Wynn or Aria. The latter two places all have nice restaurants, but sometimes you just wanna grab something cheap and be good. That’s why I like Venetian’s food court.

I wish I could say it went well after dinner, but it didn’t. Played too loose and missed, then got the last of it in against a 6-outer on the flop and lost.

So I went back to the Airbnb and took a nice long hot shower. I think I’ll play at the Wynn 1/3 tomorrow until my flight.

Not sure how it is now, but back in July venetian had higher rake than any other room because they took 2 dollars extra from each pot for a terrible promotion based on total hours played a month (aka local nitreg magnet). That made the entire room terrible.

I do like their buy-in levels which are unique

Yeah now the +2 promo drop goes to $300 high hands every half hour between 8 pm and 2 am.

I also like the buyin levels there.

Have you ever thought about doing a poker trip to Florida or Texas? It’s not as fun or glitzy as Vegas (although the Hard Rock Hollywood Guitar Hotel is pretty cool), but if playing juicy live cash is your priority, I think you should check it out sometime. Vegas cash games suck pretty hard in comparison.

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Yes. As a occasional casual these days I end up playing sessions in time windows- up free from 11a-4p and I’ll sit there until 4 cause I got something coming up after and no good way to kill the time. Easy way to turn a plus day into a minus.

I recommend some hand pulled noodles and 100 play video poker to get things back on track.

Well then. Fun to re-read and re-live this thread, sorry about the Irish Exit at the end of the 2nd trip.

As you might expect, I ended it down… I think with a loss between 4k-5k.

But I’m headed BACK to Vegas, to begin the trip anew! Wheels up Friday.

I’m doing the trip report on the old site, so if anyone wants to follow along, you can do so here:

…and @Fatboy8 , Shang is DEFINITELY happening this trip :sunglasses:


Don’t let me down on Shang, and post here when you go. I dont follow the other site.

I will be in Vegas for the first half of your trip and may rent a car for a couple of days in the middle. Might be willing to do a Shang field trip with you.

If you’re staying in the Arts District, the free Downtown Loop shuttle might be useful, especially if you want to hit a cheap tournament at the Golden Nugget. I would recommend thinking about playing cash at the Nugget towards the end of your stay when the Bar Poker Open is going on. You get to play against people who came to Vegas because they play in bar tournaments and think they’re awesome.