The TSLA Market / Economy

“SEC investigating Musk” is the new “SDNY investigating Trump”


damn GME tanking the market again

I made an erroneous assumption stonks would go up at least until after the stimulus
everything down damn US dollar GOAT

Everything on my watchlist is red except GME, ha.

Routing profit taking. Stonks overbought. Nothing to be alarmed about.



That’s really disappointing. “If you try to reduce poverty too much, its counterproductive.”

Good fucking god. And he’s one of the “good” ones.


I’m starting to have doubts $GME will hit 800 today!

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$80.0, the prophecy was a little scuffed.


I took a flyer on a single 0DTE GME $200 call today in case we see some insane gamma squeeze. It’s inching upward… let’s gooo

AMCX (AMC channel) is finally doing something long after I dumped it.

He likes the stock

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I’ve posted this before but it is such an awesome example of how stupid some of these obscenely paid executives and corporate boards can be.

In 2015, AT&T bought DirecTV for $67 billion. It was obvious at the time that streaming was the future, think of how much Netflix you were already watching in 2015.

They are now selling DirecTV at an enterprise value of $16 billion (possibly less, its a super complex transaction, but whatever).

Here’s the genius behind the buy:

Just a fundamentally broken country.


@spidercrab annual letter is up, as im sure you know

I chuckled at “too many CEOs blindly buy back their stock no matter the price” followed immediately by “we love Apple buying back its stock and it has stated it will continue to do so, which is great for us.”

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Lol blindly. I know nobody at BH is that stupid so that’s some interesting industry codespeak.

Yup, not a terribly informative letter, but I’m very happy to see continued repurchases at these prices. I’m probably going to increase Berkshire to somewhere around 25-30% of my investments in the next week or so, which comes pretty close to the point of making me uncomfortable. I think there’s a very high likelihood of 8-10% returns over the next 10 years, which I don’t see as very likely for the aggregate market. But it’s still a lot of money to stick in a single stock.

And just to share a little bit from the spidercrab household: This leads to the occasional dustup with mrs. spidercrab. She’s generally hands-off/ignorant when it comes to our finances, but when I bring up something about Berkshire, her immediate response is:

  • Don’t you always tell me that we should be diversified and not own individual stocks? (Yes, 10 points to her)
  • Isn’t the stock going to crash when he dies, and he’s like 90 years old? (I don’t think so, and I am confident the market already knows how old he is, but I wouldn’t be stunned if there’s a short-term drop)

In any event, I think Berkshire is very likely to outperform SPY over the next 10 years. I just don’t have a good feel for how much of our assets should be invested in it. (I have a bizarre mental accounting issue where we have lots of different accounts for money that’s meant for different purposes, and that doesn’t help things.)

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30% is nuts man, and I love Buffet (but not as much as you). I’m at about 6% of investable assets and I’m not good with much more. Can’t sell because I’d take a massive tax hit (it’s all in a taxable account), so I’ll just dilute it by buying other stuff.

I hear ya hustler. Sometimes the fam can be pain.

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