The TSLA Market / Economy

Dogecoin currently 10th largest crypto currency by market cap and within striking distance of having a higher market cap than Litecoin.



I added 4.5K @ 9.15


I had a few dogecoins from like 2013 so I went to see if I could still access them only to discover the site my wallet was on was hacked 7 years ago. Ah well.

Unstuck retirement party next month after CLVS hits $100?

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Still zero mentions of CLVS today on WSB! (per my swaggystocks ticker search)

That was pretty much the bottom today, very nice

It just happened to work out like that. I was at my computer at 9:40am and had just sold some Euro index ETF to free up the money to make the purchase before I had to see my first patient at 10am.

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Got the screenshot!

$10 :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:


Uhhhh, we have liftoff?

I’ve got a few 15.5c weeklies that I decided to fuck around with. My plan is to hold overnight to see how the abstracts hit. Could be worth a lot, could plummet to zero. Let’s gamboooooool.

The bid/ask spread on these is crazy wide so I might as well hold through Thursday as well, shrug

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Since real estate prices never go down, I offer to buy your house for $1 million.

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It’s amazing. I’ve tried to buy Dogecoin and gave up when it appeared to be a major pain in the ass. The only places I could find to buy it won’t do business with WA state residents.

I have March $9 strike calls that I bought for $1.54. Trading at $2.5 now. I have a sell order in for $4. Stock has to get to about $12.3 before it’ll execute, I think. My contracts have gone up $210 so far today.


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man I’m getting some fomo now not good

I sold 3,500 doge last April to free up a few dollars. I could have been a billionaire. Damnit.

You’re a doctor. You’re supposed to look at biotech small caps in your investing time. Make two piles ‘bullshit’ and ‘not bullshit’ and then evaluate from there.

You’ll make a lot more money gambling that way. Seriously it could be a lot of money.

So i tried to search CLVS on Reddit more, found this subreddit –

they are hyping up CLVS pretty hard there.

Still hasn’t reached the real WSB yet in any meaningful way

like I can figure that shit out :slight_smile:

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Narrow it down to stuff in your specific field. You want to do as little work to understand what they are talking about as possible. For instance when I read a trucking or logistics 10-K it’s pretty face up. That’s because all the industry jargon and concepts are branded on the surface of my brain. I gotta think being an ER doc is like that only more so. In particular my ability to perceive large red flags in these types of businesses is next level because I spend my entire life in a business like that and the things that go wrong aren’t a mystery to me.

It doesn’t have to be pharma. It could just as easily be anything ER related. If someone is doing some medical equipment startup that promises to fix a real problem you have that might be a good investment. Contrarily if the thing they are promising to fix isn’t an actual problem you’ll know that immediately as well. It’s the context that comes from your own field that gives you an edge. If you have to really research it you’re doing it wrong. You should just know because this thing happened last Thursday.

Someone just bought 192 CLVS 2/12 $10 calls @ .9 for $17k

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