The TSLA Market / Economy

Yeah, I’m sure that happens.

I guess what I was saying is that when the Rivermen of he world point out the end of that 10 page document and also explain that they would be up 300K if they just bought the Vanguard 2040 target retirement fund, that’s when they should want to vomit. But even that isn’t generally enough.



I met a “financial advisor” out hiking one time when we were going the same speed and started talking. She knew way less than I did about stonks. I think she took a 3 month course or something and was just getting started. But to someone like my dad she’d be a wizard, and he’d probably end up trusting her to make “safe” investments for him.

Yeah it’s an absolutely shit match for Cuse lol. Cuse is an actual advantage gambler both in real life and in poker, which is brutally competitive. If he wants a sales job with a healthy slice of trading all he has to do is hit me up and I’ll give him that in trucking and make a fuck ton of money doing it (and that’s both of us lol).

Financial advisor is a job that they’ve removed everything hard from really besides being generally likeable. Cuse isn’t even all that likeable lol.

Hey fuck you I’m plenty likable lol… YOU WILL LIKE ME YOU ASSHOLE!!!

I don’t want a sales job, but define “fuck ton.”


I learned about Vanguard on 2+2. I recall asking in Pol about actively invested funds with Chase that had 3-4% expenses and thinking that seemed high but unable to articulate the next step. I had money in Chase CDs that paid 2% or something.

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Not as much as you make at poker. Which is why you probably shouldn’t do it. Well maybe more than poker but it would take years to get there. And way more work than would be worth it thanks to diminishing returns.

But way more fun and way more money than being a financial advisor sheesh.

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She’s claiming it’s going to pay a lot of money with tons of salary growth potential, but she hasn’t gotten back to me yet and I don’t know what her idea of a ton is. She has an MBA, though, and lives in a high cost of living area… So we’ll see.

I don’t know, man. I don’t see how this can possibly be a fuckton.

The number of pros who play poker and make a fuckton of money from poker alone is incredibly small. Maybe Cuse is one of those people and I just didn’t realize it.

lol learn to code and you’ll barely work any hours, have little expected of you, and make 200k

I wouldn’t consider what I make to be a “fuck ton” but it’s well inside the top 25% and should be approaching but not quite in the top 5% if the pandemic ever ends. I was going to be knocking on that door in 2020, but covid wrecked that for me.

How can all three of those things be true? It’s that good of a market for employees?

That’s really all that’s important. Then boredsocial cannot, in fact, offer you something where you will make a fuckton of money. The two of you are clearly dealing in different fucktons.

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Grue can tell it better than me, but my impression is that it’s not that easy to join the club, but once you’re in, you can easily find a job where you are coasting as he has described.

Cuse is making a really nice living in poker lol. And he’s seriously pot committed. He’s not going to like the details on being a financial advisor.

I mean a fuckton has to be more than a shitload right?

I’d say maybe $200K is a shitload, maybe $400K is a fuckton? Or should it be like an order of magnitude between them?

That’s about where I’m at defintionally. But I would not presume my definition to be universal. If someone else said it, I’d assume they meant less. Unless that someone was like Musk or Bezos.

So if there’s an order of magnitude between them, a fuckton would have to be a couple million.


Yeah by those definitions I’m not making a shitload, but was hoping to in 2020 before covid and hope to afterwards. In order to make a fuckton I’d have to be playing in those crazy huge games on streams… Maybe someday. I wouldn’t be surprised if gman makes a fuckton or two.