The TSLA Market / Economy

Quick! Buy MGM!

Woooo my SLV up 10%!

Still better than RH

Based on the lack of posts in this thread I assume we have peaked.



:rocket: :rocket: :rocket:


My stonks portfolio is down 13% since I started last week, SAD. Might just sell everything and buy Tesla

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Trading limit on GME up to 4!!!

I want to sell AMC covered calls so bad, why won’t they raise the trading limit on that one past 75 "/

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These short ladder attacks should be illegal. It’s insane big hedge funds can just put in lower and lower bid prices between themselves without actually buying or selling and tank a stock price and create a fake price that starts a run.

I was going to ask how its legal to artificially tank a stock, but lol there are no rules for the hedge funds obv. System is so fucking rigged its gross.

Why can’t these funds just do this 24/7 and artificially kill the stock? Even as it is, its clear doing this at opening will have killed a huge amount of the momentum built up over the weekend as the normies who were planning to buy won’t know whats happening.

I will gladly bet that GME is trading below $50 a share by March 1st if anyone wants to bet. This thing is doomed it is just a matter of time.

Last I saw in the ticker tracker is AMC is back with GME, then the SLV/BB/NOK tier in that order. It’s in there somewhere.

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can’t you just buy shorts that close March 1st to do this?

Not really? Don’t have the ability to short the stock and put premiums are ridiculous.

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This is kind of interesting. Last week I was tossing around in my head the idea of something like DFS for stocks. Then I thought, well you can just buy it in the market and have much more upside than a standard $5-1k HU stonks battle. Though with these restrictions it seems more viable.

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lol fucking CNBC. So they’ve gone from bashing redditors and GME to now praising them and pumping up SLV getting all the normies to buy that instead of GME because the hedgefunds owns it.

Just absolutely disgusting. Even with a movement as powerful is this the game is so rigged it doesn’t matter, they can’t lose.


They’re making a stonks movie

This is not giving me dopamine. Need dopamine.

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Maybe try storming congress.

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Short interest is down from 114% to 39%… how many days before GameStop is selling for $5/share?

Where do you see that? Huge if true

this one still shows 100%+ but i have no idea whether it is accurate