The TSLA Market / Economy

Cedar panel bathroom?! How can I say no!

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Did you go through all the pics? Interior seems nice enough. Not 10K/month level nice, but not exactly a hole either.

Whoever suggested CATV might perform owes me at least tree fiddy!

Give it time!

ETA: Can I interest you in a cartoon poop NFT?




More COVID = Not Stonks followed by VERY MUCH STONKS


If I had extra cash I’d be mashing buy on SPY rn

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S&P down 2.5% for the week.

S&P up 2.5% for the week.

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Translation: Please give me a little time to unwind my longs.

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Looks like the market will rip tomorrow but I wouldn’t buy much of anything regardless of Omicron.

Futures up 1%, if COVID taught me anything it’s buy and hold and try not to pay attention.


I pretty much did exactly that and I am filled with regret. I should have bought more when the market tanked last spring. Yuuuge mistake.

You should have already been fully invested.

I was. Kind of.

As has been documented in the other thread, I keep about 2yrs expenses around in cash (yeah, I know it’s suboptimal). Part of the reason is to use some as dry powder for a great opportunity. But it has to be sufficiently great that I can give up the peace of mind that having the 2yrs of reserve gives me. I should have realized that last March was one of those opportunities. I could have easily dumped half of it in there then. I was really close to doing it, but couldn’t pull the trigger. I could have done it and then replenished in the following months.

I get it. Not bragging but I put about 10% of my emergency fund in VTSAX when it hit -30% for this exact reason. I think my job is stable but who really knows in a deep recession.

Yeah, it’s hard to really pinpoint anything close to the bottom. Suzzer did a good job in 09. I made a post on 2+2 on March 9th 2020 if it was time to buy ccl and I vaguely remember being warned from the few intelligent posters that were there that I would be getting in way to early and that the real damage hasn’t occurred yet. It bottomed within a couple days of that, iirc.

But yeah, always best to just shove it all in and unplug your internet and find another hobby.

This has always been true but I think it’s actually even MORE obviously true now. In 2008 there was some actual doubt in my mind if the stock market could be viable if it could all be torn down by a corrupt housing market. But now we know that the people with their hands on the levers of power can and will literally pull every lever they can to protect the stock portfolios of the wealthy. I’m sure that was true before 2008, but I think even the Bernankes of the world didn’t know it would work. Now they know it will work. 2020 was the biggest global crisis of our lives and the government literally prioritized getting the stock market to bounce back over dealing with their “9/11 per day” death count. At this point it’s not even a question of “valuation”, like I have no faith that any of these capital incinerating tech companies are worth their market caps but I have a lot of faith that the government has many bullets left in the chamber to make sure that people with stocks get SOCIALISM as soon as they need it.


Yeah, a great way to predict the future in any given situation is to think ‘what would most benefit the mega rich/corporations here?’ and then assume that thing is going to happen

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Jack Dorsey is quitting as CEO of Twitter (he still ran it, apparently). The stock instantly went up 15% on the news, so lol Jack Dorsey I guess, but maybe its because the next guy will be even more disposed to monetize bullshit?