The TSLA Market / Economy

Does WSB ever chatter about Cinemark? They need to start chattering about Cinemark. Lots more room to grow there vs. already stratospheric AMC.

ahh i see the memes have returned once again

The crazy world of reverse mergers.

amc sold all of those shares and nobody gave a shit, lol them for dumping it all at 50 then

what in the absolute fuck

it’s not just memes, it’s now anything that’s shorted more than like 5%

Back into Jun 18 10c SDC for .18, 35 calls this time. LFG.


AMC did what a functioning business should do. They’ve likely saved themselves by raising capital off the back of this.

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lol PSTH, Ackman going with fucking Universal Music, down $2+ ah but recovering

literally just bought 1k in july 30c before close with meme gains

Pardon the brief interruption of meme stonks, but my neighbor’s house closed, so we got to see what they paid: 5% over ask, which itself was 10% more than what we paid for a materially larger house. Hooooooo boy did we buy at exactly the right time.


Damn, nice timing.

Shit like this makes me think I will never own a home. Every time I think about buying the market has shot up past me, yet again.


Saving for a house is especially demoralizing when the prices go up faster than you can save.


Yeah, I was largely in the same camp until we actually spent some time scouring Zillow porn and noticed a fair number of really decent looking houses sitting on the market for inexplicably long times. That, and about 3-4 other lucky factors coming together (pandemic-induced WFH giving us the freedom to move without changing jobs, a pretty good financial windfall from company stonk, and the fact that Portland’s housing market was inexplicably slow compared to national averages last year).

You gotta save AND hope for a financial catastrophe that doesn’t hurt you all that badly. Or move to the middle of nowhere.

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Try eating less avocado toast.


The pandemic blew this up somewhat in Toronto.

In 2019 my wife got a job outside the city so we moved to a rural community 1h45m outside of the city. Felt nice to buy a house for the same price as our condo in the city.

Last year a bunch of city folks started trying to buy up here. The house across the road from us sold for 25% more than we paid 1.5 years earlier, and its on a smaller lot.

I feel like we did this before. Surely this time it won’t end in catastrophic economic collapse.

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To be fair this time around it seems to be driven by people with actual money (whether they be middle class millenials with money saved up after a pandemic of few pleasures or institutional investors looking for a low risk investment with interest rates so low) rather than un- or under-qualified loan-takers underneath a Rube-Goldberg machine of financial gambling, so hopefully there’s a more stable endgame where gradually raising interest rates gradually cools off demand in a corresponding and managed manner. LOL that, of course. Booms and busts for eternity!

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This is the ridiculous increase in my home since we bought it in 2013:

I could probably afford to buy this home today at it’s likely price of $500,000, but I wouldn’t be happy about it.

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Our neighbors sold their house a couple months ago for the same price we bought ours at 3 years ago. Ours has 1 more bedroom, 1 more bath, an extra 300-400 sq ft and a much nicer interior (new kitchen, baths, flooring etc). I couldn’t believe the sale price when I saw it.

So we could defintely sell ours for substantially more than we paid but then I’ve got to buy something in this market which doesn’t seem real fun.