The TSLA Market / Economy

…resulting in new products, greater efficiencies, lower production costs? … does “science and technology” cap out in financial potential at some point? … Does more and more S&T but a declining population result in a rising stock market? Does technology contnue to advance, absent a growing population?

There are other possibilities besides the S&P going up?

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What makes you certain that CATV is a purely deception-based pump-and-dump? Obviously the whole thing seems suspicious, but @Fatboy8 seems to have a decent reason to believe the opposite.

I’ll pull down some of the posts I made previously. It’s pretty sketchy. FWIW I was considering taking a flyer on some shares and never did, too suspicious

Has anyone done a rough calculation of how much weed they’ll have to sell in order to justify their market cap of $80 million?

Yes, here’s the analyst who did the math:

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Not clicking that. Stephen Miller?

For sure, you could also attempt to get a license to sell weed under the ticker TRAUNT. I’ll make sure to tell folks to buy it as well.

Honestly if there were a single poster in this thread who I think could actually make money in the weed industry it’s you. You could grow and sell legal weed, and with the way investors are throwing around money it might be a way to feed your family that feels better than furniture.

With a working spouse and no kids, splitting expenses leaves me with way more money, imo.

Why is every financial website fucking garbage? Vanguard is total crap, fixed width for 1028w monitors it looks like, but Fidelity is even worse. I click on my RSUs and it tells me I have to view it in their “classic experience” and when I get there the website goes from 2005 quality to 1999 quality. They make billions of dollars per year and can’t hire some idiot like me to center their site? This is their website, in 2021:

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Yeah this is pretty standard when you bounce around between cobbled-together legacy sites that try to look like each other as much as they can.

BofA does the same thing when you jump from account view to bill pay, even though they’re ostensibly part of the same header.

United Airlines is absolutely abysmal with this. I swear they have at least 5 different advanced flight reservation forms - all with different quirks and bugs.

Even on Amazon every now and then you wind up in some flow with buttons and styles from 2003.


Oh, Tesla is up a Honda today.

They beat production estimates by like 10%. This may be the most rational thing Tesla stock has ever done.

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nasdaq up 2%, s&p 1.5%, just wild

Also CATV up 12%.


Sold my RSUs at 189 last week so it’s naturally now 205.

Separate from the argument, might want to mention that you’re married to her, Ezra.

I don’t agree, btw. If and when index funds’ dominance creates opportunity to make market beating returns doing technical analysis, capital will flow towards active managers very quickly.


Ezra massively outkicked the coverage.

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