The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

So a GOP hack is in contention for AG.

Just shoot me now.

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He’s a dem tho? Maybe you knew that and are being tongue in cheek because he really is shitty

I thought Patrick was considering a run in the GOP primary against tRUmp.

I must have been thinking of someone else.

he Did the ole grandpa Simpson walks in and out . Gif to the dem primary

But I mean he’s a Bain Capital guy same as Romney

How do you have a slate of potential candidates that includes people like Sally Yates and Doug Jones, who would both be awesome, and you go for Patrick. Uggh.

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Apparently the National Urban League is pushing for a black nominee, calling Holder the gold standard.

You’re probably thinking of Bill Weld.

He actually did run in the 2020 Democratic primary. He got 0.4% of the vote in New Hampshire.

As many have pushed for, it appears Deb Haaland will be Biden’s nominee for Secretary of the Interior.


AOC seems very happy about this choice.

I feel like Biden found someone that both wings of the party can agree on. Deftly done. And she’s awesome.

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Awesome people are generally not controversial. For instance even the most centrist poster on this board thinks AOC is awesome, and the GOP fear her so much that they are already in the early-mid stages of an HRC style smear campaign in an attempt to inoculate their own voters from her.

There are a lot of awesome people in the US. We should replace our entire existing leadership with them.

This should surprise no one. Wasn’t that the deal? He drops out to fuck Sanders and gets a seat in the Biden administration. He literally failed his way into a cabinet position

Because you and me didn’t donate $1M to the inaugural fund.

I’m guessing even the most centrist poster on this board is still way to the left of centrist politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, Buttigieg or Biden who all hate AOC. So that’s not saying much

Definitely one of the few of his not terrible picks

Those people hate aoc for the same reason the gop does. I’m also not sure Pete hates her. She’s one of his contemporaries not some fossil terrified of upstarts.

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Does anyone know anything about Deb Haaland from NM? I hear that she is likely to be Sec of Interior.

Edit, lol, that’s what I get for grunching.


You know how y’all feel when the media pushes disinformation about Bernie? Like, you want to correct it, right? And then they just keep hammering it, like no, you’re wrong, Bernie IS a commie who loves Castro and wrote about rape and got nothing done in the senate, etc etc. It’s really frustrating that people believe that shit, right? But they do, because MSNBC or CNN or someone reports it and the pundits talk about it and people who believe it don’t actually read or listen to Bernie in context.

You know what I’m talking about. I could go back to the primary threads on this forum and find hundreds of posts demonstrating this frustration.


This is a massive deal for Indigenous people.