The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I highly recommend this book on the topic of how government operates and the unsung heroes of the bureaucracy.


The bus driver can hire Pete as an assistant. I actually know a fair amount about the running of government departments because my dad was at the highest non political appointee level at HUD. The management / political people, especially the MBA morons were morons. * Especially all those reinvent government people in the Clinton administration.

And Pete is a politician he is neither a transportation person nor a manager. He manages campaigns. He manages to get donors.

The president is a politician, yeah. There’s no reason politicians have to have cabinet posts other than political favors.

And yeah this goes for Bernie or AOC or any politician. It would be absurd for them to be cabinet secretaries.

  • Eta: okay, not literally morons but they did not know housing and they did not know the department and that made them extremely ineffective and often counterproductive.

So he managed a medium sized town 4 times larger than a tiny town? I mean, OK.

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FCC, yeah. Also, don’t sleep on Interior, especially if you are looking to do things through administrative action that wouldn’t require tons of Congressional approval. A huge amount of land in rural areas (especially in the West) is controlled by the Feds, so I could dream up some ways where you strategically build out wireless broadband infrastructure on federal lands that abut rural communities or use some of the oversight that Interior has over Native American issues to fund projects in those communities (if they want it)

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The retconning of South Bend as some metropolis is insane. The largest list of US cities I could find online was the top 200 and South Bend didn’t even come close to making it.

ETA-wiki has it #305

who said it was a metropolis? It is a mid-size, middle-American city. If you talked to 50 people on the street and asked them how big a “tiny town” was, population-wise, they are going to say 1000 people, not 100,000.

The reason people push back on that characterization of South Bend is the perception that people who call it that are urban elitists…the same issue the Dem party has across the country.

He managed a city at the heart of a MSA between 300K and 350K in population. Other MSAs in that range include Lincoln, Green Bay, and Columbus (GA). If you see a difference between a city and town, South Bend seems to clearly be a city and not a town.

Sounds like the county commissioner of St. Joseph County ought to get some consideration for Biden’s cabinent.

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They are all Republicans.

Can I have next week’s lotto numbers, too?

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Pete propagandist buries her head in the sand about his constant flip flops and corporate kowtowing for the 1000th time

you know that president elect is a huge train guy right? is pete in your head about to subvert joe’s grand ideas about trains?

I hope this is true. Need more Latinas and she started out at the bottom (cafeteria worker) in public schools.

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Honestly, I think some of the best Cabinet picks would be people who have worked in one of the administrative agencies for years, who aren’t political appointees. They would understand the agency, the scope of its authority, the administrative process, and perhaps most importantly, much on the history of what has been going on on major projects. That knowledge is invaluable, if you combine it with someone who is good at managing people, you would probably have a rockstar for the job.

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If I were POTUS I’d have teams visit the regional offices of various departments and find the people who are the most respected, knowledgeable in the subject matter and in the department, have managed staffs, and have interfaced with Washington and interview them. From those kind of people I’d find ones who I think have the kinds of motivations and goals that I share. Outside experts wouldn’t be out of the question, but they’d have to know the department pretty well.


Spot on

I’ll tell you what happens. The exact same damned thing that did happen. Policies don’t mean jack shit anymore. Trump proved that.

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LOL raising tens of millions of dollars from corporations for a non-existent inauguration. Burn it all right down to the fucking ground.


See this is good PR work for the dem party, have your followers keep saying policies don’t mean shit so when you don’t do shit people can’t be that mad.

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Trump had popular policy ideas on comprehensive immigration reform. Here’s the way a more popular president put it:

“President Obama’s proposal for immigration reform has four parts. First, continue to strengthen our borders. Second, crack down on companies that hire undocumented workers. Third, hold undocumented immigrants accountable before they can earn their citizenship; this means requiring undocumented workers to pay their taxes and a penalty, move to the back of the line, learn English, and pass background checks.”