The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

It‘s Kevin McCarthy and I can pick him out of a line-up.

I know McCarthy is the minority leader, but I’m not sure I could pick him out of a lineup. In my mind I’m picturing Mark Meadows

Skimmed. So may have missed this.

The primary system is one reason that you dont have third parties. Significant new coalitions can get representation within the established parties rather than being forced to challenge from outside.

Primary system is mostly only 50 years old.

Lol in a “fuck you” to the gop nut jobs here, Newsom is gonna leave a lasting mark on CA politics by appointing a new Senator, AG, and probably SOS.

Recall this, bitches

I just think it’s funny. I’m not at huge Newsom fan or anything


That’s because primaries made it easier for challenges within the party by taking power away from party bosses.

Usually, the party decides, but there have been experiments with increased use of primaries in places like the UK.

Maybe political parties should have closed, mail-in primaries.

You pretty much got it!

I think a lot of people here see someone say “we should defund the police ldo” and for some inexplicable reason they take that as “The Democratic Party should put defund the police on their platform if they want to win.”


possibly two senators

Assuming we don’t sweep in Georgia, here’s a really simple way progressives in the House could wield their power without blowing up the party: demand a new Speaker. When the eDems tell them to fuck off, they go to the House Republicans and cut a deal. Give progressives all the committee chair assignments except for one (which they can use to investigate Biden or voter fraud or whatever the fuck they want) and we’ll vote for a reasonable Republican speaker. Or vice versa. Or something.

Secure more power for progressives and less for Pelosi. Send a clear message to the eDems: you fucked around, you found out.

And since the House can likely remove a Speaker by a majority vote (SCOTUS could possibly fuck us), if the GOP goes back on the deal you just remove their Speaker, put Pelosi in, and tuck tail.

Or you threaten to do that, cut a deal, and play chicken with Pelosi. Lots of optionality if you explore that path. If the GOP has the Senate and Biden has the White House, controlling the agenda in the House is pretty worthless if you won’t use it for effective political messaging strategy which Pelosi won’t. If anything happens to Biden or Kamala, you replace the Speaker immediately for chain of succession.

She’s socially progressive, but if you think she wants to raise taxes on the rich and pass single payer I’d suggest you do some research.

Kevin McCarthy, R-CA, he looks like a typically punchable country club Republican with a haircut and a suit.

You can disengage from following them in the news, rooting for bills to pass, hoping the Dems do XYZ, etc. But yeah we need strength in primaries.

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Hat makes me certain this is parody. But at the same time, Poe’s Law is creeping…

Quite the body of work you’ve put together, you racist, homophobic, bigoted troll.

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Nah, dude has a bunch of separate Twitter accounts to spam crazy right wing takes. If it’s someone trying to be funny here, they’re okay with putting some real nonsense out on social media.


yeah after seeing your post…


@moderators this seems like the perfect time for a permaban and an IP ban imo.


General Chesa Boudin sounds like a Star Wars character.


They can basically do this without going to Republicans, right?

They can simply threaten to not vote for Pelosi (running the risk of McCarthy or whoever getting the speakership) unless she makes concessions X,Y,Z.

The D/R margin in the house is going to be very small. A simple union of one or two dozen progressives would be EXTREMELY powerful.