The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I’m confused as to why “shifted things marginally to the left” isn’t considered “marginally progressive.”


We could probably argue all day about what progressivism is. Wiki defines it as:

Do you think DADT fits that definition? Maybe it does but I don’t really count going from banning all gay people from serving to banning non-closeted gay people from serving as being a very progressive policy. Was it better? Sure. But the fundamental difference was that you could not ask people if they were gay. They still had to hide that they were gay after DADT. Clinton could have just allowed gay people to serve period rather than using his power to further entrench discrimination that lasted for another 20+ years.

Even if you do consider DADT progressive it’s very very clear that LGBTQ rights have been mostly fought for and won by activists not DemE politicians.

Again, incremental progress on social issues is cool. What meaningful progressive economic policies have Democrats fought for in the last 40 years?


I guess your definition of progressive is simply different than mine.

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The best I can come up with is Clinton working to triple the EITC in 1993. The EITC was originally the brain child of Nixon though lol. Skimming through the history of it was somewhat interesting.

State democrats played a role on same sex marriage going back to 2008.

And if that is the case it explains why we might be talking past each other. It sounds like we both agree it was a small step in the right direction. I guess my frustration with DADT is that it is so quintessentially Third Way. Sure we are going to keep discriminating against you but it won’t be quite as bad! Just fucking take some risk to actually help people in big ways and stop with all the half-measures. The party is infested with people that think their incredibly complex and nuanced proposals can somehow thread the needle so they don’t seem too liberal and progressive while still kinda helping a little bit and it doesn’t work politically or otherwise.

You could make an argument that legalizing gay marriage is beneficial to the economy but that definitely isn’t what I’m talking about here.

Sorry brah, best I can do for you is a tax credit ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Lol me. I totally read passed the “economic”.

Need more coffee!

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I’m just awfully skeptical of straight white dudes being dismissive of social issues, but also, losing your job was an economic issue for a lot of people?

to the first sentence, lol gtfo etc etc. stop being a clown. I don’t understand what you mean about job loss though.

the federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr, fucking incredible stuff man.

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I’m also in favor of increasing the minimum wage. Mindblowing stuff, I’m sure.

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Only when the group of people who were mad was much larger than the group of people who they were pissed at. You need a very small target group.

Sorry that was a disconnected thought and wasn’t directed at you. I was reading about the hx of the minimum wage. In my head it had been 7.25 since the late 90s but it was 2007. Crazy.

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It changed the World Trade Centers…

A lot of people give Obama a pass on this (I don’t), because he apparently couldn’t have been elected if he was for it. At least that is the argument.

So who did you vote for? McCain? 3rd Party? Just left it blank? Didn’t vote at all?

Good job

Yeah if there were obvious/easy good solutions here we’d probably have found them by now. I’m still trying to figure it out, but I suspect the right line is closer to never saying anything nice about anyone in power ever than ‘being more civil’.

They should make her ambassador to Saturn‘s moons.

Saturn‘s moons are uninhabitable

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