The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

So I guess that’s just standard now.


Don’t the first spouses typically have a role in the white house? Even if it’s just dealing with the FUCKING Christmas decorations?


He ain’t the first spouse, though. I know Tipper Gore did some PMRC shit and all, but still. It shouldn’t be normal imo.

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yes, sorry, I meant first and second spouses.

I don’t know, I’m sure there will be lots of lol examples of nepotism, but I think you’re looking for something that isn’t there. According to wiki, second ladies (now second spouses) have had roles of some prominence since at least Pat Nixon in the 50s.

It’s better than him continuing to work at his job in a law firm / lobbying firm imo.


I am awaiting some unironic complaints from the Trump kids about this. IT’S OUTRAGEOUS!


He lived in the town where I grew up for 12 years and now his parents live in the same massive retirement community as my parents, apparently.

Of course. Normally it’s something innocent like encouraging kids to read though.

Or telling people to be best when you’re actually be worst.


Well, either way, it makes sense for him to join the admin. I hope they put him to use and don’t give him the keep-busy and stay-out-of-our-way jobs like Middle East peace, Government reform/Opioid crisis management, Criminal justice reform, Liaison to Mexico, and Liaison to China.

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Joe should absolutely troll the lunatics by bringing Hunter into the White House.


Can we have a Secretary of Cocaine and Deals? That would be sweet.

I for one am looking forward to Joe’s odd-looking socialist bff/advisor to announce how they are going to exponentially expand the administrative state.

Hell yeah new Secretary of the Department of Social Media

Hire a bunch of K-Pop stans to troll the alt-right with pancakes.

Here’s the whole interview.

I don’t think it’s really possible for anyone inside any American administration that dealt in any way with immigration to have been doing the right thing. But, I don’t think this Cecilia Munoz is in the category of the other Podesta Group or Asbestos Lobbyist people that are clearly “Lol Biden. Lol the idea of him being a progressive.”

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Here’s a neat illustration why I think Trump’s lasting damage to Foreign relationships is often overstated, at least with regards Western Europe. Even when he essentially spat in their faces for 4 years they never progressed beyond making sad faces, and accomplished close to nothing in concretely altering what they need the US for.

Anyway, it’s the French and German Foreign ministers with a slightly pathetic ‘please be our friends’ open letter to big Joey B. It tries to sound like something has changed and that they ask for a ‘new’ partnership, but the issue they raise with Turkey is one where they simply want the US to weigh in on their side of. Then most of what they say has changed are things that Trump’s US shifted the agenda on and they will be quite happy for Biden to go somewhere along the road to. So China is a rival to be countered, the Iran deal now has to be wider than nuclear and Europe does need to spend more on defence to deserve US cooperation.

This is good