The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

That’s not a realistic option in a world where not all Democrats support removal of the filibuster.

And do you think all Democrats would support “citizenship now”? I’m not sure I would, though you are welcome to try and convince me.

Hopefully at least the law, if passed, would be something that the next administration couldn’t easily undo. How sick would that be? First day of Trump Jr’s administration they pull the rug out.

If the filibuster isn’t removed for this, then I guess Dems just didn’t win the Senate. But, that does seem to be the case. Republicans need 50+1 and Dems need 60+1.

I don’t know how to convince you about citizenship now. I think any other position is immoral, even deplorable, but I’m ok being friends with people who have some deplorable views. Why you think you get to tell someone else where they can and can’t live if it’s not like in your actual house is beyond me. But, it’s good for the economy too. That has nothing to do with my reasons, but open borders would lead to a massive increase in productivity and global wealth.

Not only does Don Jr. pull the rug, now he has every illegal immigrants info registered. No way in hell would I try this if I were illegal. It’s very likely Dems lose the presidency by 2028 and then these people are SUPER fucked.

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Explain to me how UBI and M4A works with open borders.

Why wouldn’t they work? Immigrants pay taxes.

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Because open borders will change the demographics of who will move to the country, eg. can every cancer patient in the world move to the US and get treated? can every 70 year old move to the US and get UBI?

Obviously this is a cost/benefit to be managed. I dont really know what advocates expect “open borders” to look like but I would imagine their is still an immigration process to follow. The technocratic planners love problems like modulating benefits and taxes and social programs etc. Let them have at it.

I am curious what the realistic numbers are. Even if you have a policy that permits everyone to move to the US not everyone will move to the US. Its an interesting problem for sure.

His day one promises are the largest stimulus in global history, which is going to be targeted at minorities, municipalities, and covid relief. He is extending student loan and eviction moratorium, joining Paris accord, ending Muslim ban, repeal trans ban, and others.

The stimulus alone will generate more global good than probably anything done by any president in a century.

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McConnell and Pelosi going to church with Biden tomorrow



I’m never going to let this drop.

This is a huge sign that Biden is thinking differently than even Obama as he is not making the stimulus contingent on legislation on how it will be paid for. It’s basically MMT!


The plan includes immediate green cards for dreamers, farm workers and some other people. The 8 years isn’t 8 years till maybe. 5 years for green card, 8 for citizenship. This is a reduction from 13 years. It’s also the first plan ever to not include any increased enforcement at borders. In fact, he is stopping the wall construction.

I’m for open borders but let’s at least be honest about what we are debating.

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I find most 70 year olds to be quite set in their ways and unlikely to want to move to a new country. Plus most 70 year olds already get ubi it’s called a state pension.

First order of business for Bernie’s budget committee? Confirming Neera Tanden.

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how do you think medicare works right now? You just show up at the doctor and say “you have to treat me because I have medicare”?

You bill their home country for it, same as universal healthcare and open borders work in the EU already.

Clovis they’re talking Marvel in the streaming thread make it stop


Sell the Wall to Mexico! :smiley:

The cp guys are pretty angry with this, so I have to think it’s a small step in the right direction.