The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I already made the heel turn and accepted a large offer for the technology.

From Instagram.

Biden administration hasn’t even started yet and I’m already enraged at how little they’re going to accomplish.

Are they even going to try for tax reform, haven’t heard a peep.


What the actual fuck fucking schumer


Dems gearing up for a massive stimulus bill that’ll inevitably trickle up and zero tax rises on the wealthy thus ensuring the working class are super fucked forever woo

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I think they’re all-in on prioritizing COVID at the expense of other policies and are willing to compromise to get the smoothest vaccine rollout possible.

It’s been discussed in this thread.

Lmao dude the Republicans still wont give them shit and block everything possible are you fucking kidding me. Jfc


Biden immigration plan:

Ron Klain, Biden’s incoming chief of staff, said Saturday that Biden will send an immigration bill to Congress “on his first day in office.” He didn’t elaborate and Biden’s office declined to comment on specifics.

Advocates were briefed in recent days on the bill’s broad outlines by Esther Olivarria, deputy director for immigration on the White House Domestic Policy Council.

Domingo Garcia, former president of the League of Latin American Citizens, said Biden told advocates on a call Thursday that Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate may delay consideration of the bill and that they shouldn’t count on passage within 100 days.

“I was pleasantly surprised that they were going to take quick action because we got the same promises from Obama, who got elected in ’08, and he totally failed,” Garcia said.

Ali Noorani, president of the National Immigration Forum and among those briefed Thursday night, said immigrants would be put on an eight-year path to citizenship. There would be a faster track for those in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which shields people from deportation who came to the country as young children, and Temporary Protected Status, which gives temporary status to hundreds of thousands of people from strife-torn countries, many from El Salvador.

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris offered similar remarks in an interview with Univision that aired Tuesday, saying DACA and TPS recipients will “automatically get green cards” while others would be on an eight-year path to citizenship.


What does it mean to be on an eight-year path to citizenship if you don’t have a green card? Do you get an eight year visa? Are you supposed to dodge ICE for eight years and if you successfully dodge them, and there’s not a Republican in office in eight years, you get citizenship?

Eight years. Convenient.


My guess is that it would use the Registered Provisional Immigrant Status (or something similar) that would have been created by the 2013 immigration bill that didn’t pass, which would have allowed people to work legally in the US and cross the border and come back without becoming legal permanent residents.

So, I think it would be RPI for five years, assuming you can pass a background check and make sure any back taxes and fees are paid. After five years, you get a green card if you keep your nose clean. (The 2013 bill would have required ten years.) Then, three years later, you can become a naturalized citizen. (It’s five years to citizenship for normal green card holders.)

Because it has a shorter timeframe and doesn’t include the border security provisions of the 2013 bill, it’s possible that this has been positioned somewhere to the left of where Democrats are willing to compromise and has room for compromises to win Republican votes.

How about citizenship now and fuck Republican votes?


I assume Nashville proper is blue, so he might still be OK there.

ok, I admit, this looks pretty cool.


That’s not a realistic option in a world where not all Democrats support removal of the filibuster.

And do you think all Democrats would support “citizenship now”? I’m not sure I would, though you are welcome to try and convince me.

Hopefully at least the law, if passed, would be something that the next administration couldn’t easily undo. How sick would that be? First day of Trump Jr’s administration they pull the rug out.

If the filibuster isn’t removed for this, then I guess Dems just didn’t win the Senate. But, that does seem to be the case. Republicans need 50+1 and Dems need 60+1.

I don’t know how to convince you about citizenship now. I think any other position is immoral, even deplorable, but I’m ok being friends with people who have some deplorable views. Why you think you get to tell someone else where they can and can’t live if it’s not like in your actual house is beyond me. But, it’s good for the economy too. That has nothing to do with my reasons, but open borders would lead to a massive increase in productivity and global wealth.

Not only does Don Jr. pull the rug, now he has every illegal immigrants info registered. No way in hell would I try this if I were illegal. It’s very likely Dems lose the presidency by 2028 and then these people are SUPER fucked.

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Explain to me how UBI and M4A works with open borders.

Why wouldn’t they work? Immigrants pay taxes.

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Because open borders will change the demographics of who will move to the country, eg. can every cancer patient in the world move to the US and get treated? can every 70 year old move to the US and get UBI?