The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

This is exactly how I want politics to be.


I probably should have said tedious, but fair enough

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OK, let’s move past discussing how moderate/centrist/etc Joe Biden is.

What would you like to discuss that isn’t tedious?

If that Bahamas thing is true, hoo boy.

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I think he wants to Shit on Bernie Sanders for attempting to round up support for the stimulus

It feels like there has to be more to that story. I mean, I won’t be all that surprised if there’s not and it is what it looks like, but I do think there must be more to it.

I’d like to hear more about Keisha Lance Bottoms and how we can advance her position, she seems like the real deal from what little I’ve heard.

What Bahamas thing? Can someone point me to it?

I think it’s that Biden offered Keisha Lance Bottoms an ambassadorship to the Bahamas.

If that is true instead of HUD that’s nuts.

It would be a big step down from the present status. Trump apparently couldn’t bother appointing an Ambassador to the Bahamas, so it’s been run by professional diplomats. Obama had put in a fundraiser in with no relevant experience.

Just saying, if she doesn’t want it, I’ll take it.


It is somewhat satisfying seeing folks that debased themselves for Biden eat shit. But then I remember that I voted for him 🤷


Save the shame for those who whole scale whitewashed his record, both here and other places. Shameful is freaking out when someone calls war criminal Joe Biden a war criminal on an internet message board. Shameful is sitting in a country with universal healthcare and spending every waking moment telling Americans how it’s not possible.

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I’ve been thinking about this theory of who Biden should be appointing to his Cabinet, which I don’t endorse, but which I can see as possibly being predictive.

The Trump administration wrecked all sorts of institutional norms. I think there’s an argument for installing experienced government hands possessing the institutional memory of each department to know what government agencies should look like in “normal” times and who can recognize what has been broken.

It would be doubling down on the biggest difference between Trump and Biden, while stressing continuity with Obama.

Democrats have generally respected the ideas of tenure and seniority, so that a very mainstream Democrat like Biden will operate this way should come as no surprise. This suggests that the real fight is in getting progressives appointed to the sort of resume-builder jobs that position one to be on the shortlist for Cabinet appointees in the next Democratic administration, that this is a long-term fight.


Post too hopeful. There is no hope here, no resume building, not possible. A bottom up movement is literally the only solution/hope. Anyone who did enough resume building would be as ghoulish as the rest when their time came.

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My theory is that Canadian identity is tied up in not being American, so Canadians secretly, and perhaps subconsciously, don’t want Americans to have universal healthcare as a way of differentiating the two, even if they say otherwise. Having universal healthcare when we don’t is a way of allowing them to feel superior towards Americans.

It was meant to be more of a pessimistic post.

Given the structure of American politics, I think a bottom-up movement has a bigger chance of success if it seeks to build up the Democratic Party then tries to capture it from within than if the goal is to tear down the Democratic Party and replace it with a new party.

His words have pushed left a bit but until you see his actions who knows.