The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

A bit late to the party but I finally got around to watching the Shield. I tried getting into it before but after s1e1 I thought Vic was just going to go around murdering people all the time and that didn’t seem interesting. I’ve always heard the finale was good but amazingly I never saw any specific spoilers. Anyway I’m on the last ep now but I won’t be able to finish it off until tomorrow. The last few seasons have been really good.

Also lol at the scene in S2 or something where they shoot the wrong guy and plant a gun on him to justify it.


Well into Season 7 of Seinfeld. Loving it, but wish I would have seen it before discovering Curb, because the former feels like an appetizer to the latter.

Yeah, once you see Curb, it’s hard to go back.

But if there was no Seinfeld, there is no Curb.


Why would he be in Sephora with or without his girlfriend


“Oh you’re going into Sephora? Cool, Ill be across the way here at (Apple store, Tesla, Gamestop) when you’re done.”

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Sepora is a pretty cool store. They let you try out any makeup you want right there in the store. When I go there with my girlfriend I will grab some mascera and sudge it on like that eyeblack stuff athletes use. Makes me look macho.

Aha, I knew all along you were Robert Pattinson. Great work on that Batman movie.

I don’t exactly get the whole scheme that Kim and Saul are setting up on BCS.

It feels like a bunch of isolated events occurred but I don’t see how they clearly connect to each other.

I feel like this show would have been better presented with the entire season dropping at once because I probably forgot some important stuff that would help me make sense of it.

Turns out Kim is the more malevolent partner of the couple. Been hinting at it for a while but as recent as the last episode there at least appeared to be some internal conflict with Kim. Now it’s clear as day.

Anyway, seems that the setup episodes are done for.

Slow Horses is enjoyable. But Lord the Apple TV app on Roku bites dick in so many ways. No separate user profiles, always forgets if I’ve seen an episode previously, and God help me if I stop watching mid-episode and hope to return later.

Also hard to forget that Gary Oldman has his own right wing tendencies.

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Yeah, how on earth there are streaming UI’s in 2022 that don’t let you start what you were watching from that exact spot is beyond me

Finally got around to watching Band Of Brothers. Incredible.

8 straight hours of amazing re-enactments that are absolutely melted by that 9th hour when they discover the camp.


I watched this awhile back. I was excited to see where it was going to go when Kanye starts to blow up to mega stardom. Was disappointed that there wasn’t much during those years. I agree skipping the last part and you wouldn’t miss much. Did find it hilarious him trying to have people take him serious about his album while having a crew and camera man following him around and people just ignoring or asking about beats.

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Just finished 1883 and absolutely loved it. I’m curious if Yellowstone is worth watching. Most of the comments I’ve read seem to indicate that it’s a lot lower quality, but maybe I’d still enjoy it b/c I liked 1883 so much?

The Staircase on HBO is really good. I saw the documentary on it a long time ago. What they never talk about, is what it looks like when someone falls down the stairs and dies. Shouldn’t that have provided some kind of baseline (amount of blood/injuries)?

The CDC reports that 2,521 deaths from falls on or from stairs and steps occurred in 2019 .

Based on the first episode of the Lincoln Lawyer, the direction seems bad, the writing is laughable at times (“I could always talk to Zelda”), and the lead actor is hard to understand.

I’ll probably watch the whole season.

I gave up on it after 2 episodes I think.

Have tried twice. The characters are so underdrawn compared to Yellowjackets, the boys are t introduced at all. Putting this on the shelf until I’m desperate. Lots of other stuff coming out and I don’t stream that much unless on travelling or really really get into something.

Thanks for ruining my poker sunday.

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