The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Can’t imagine non Fallout fans would get much out of the show but maybe I’m wrong, hard to say since I’m a fan.

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So can I pretend it’s Robotron 2084? Was a master at that game. No specific patterns to matter. Mostly reflex and some strategy. Think my high was 12 million. Took hours. $0.25.

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I don’t think you need to be familiar with the game to watch the show. They explain things well enough. There’s probably a lot of Easter eggs for fans of the games, but that’s just extra.

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You should stop whatever you’re doing and play New Vegas before engaging with any other media.


This looks like you’re playing on acid. This was fun??

Yeah, it’s a fun game. Gets difficult fast, but then again, that’s how all arcade games were.

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Then I’m impressed with @Danspartan and his mad skills.

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New episode of Shogun was realllllly good. This show kicks ass.


We will not discuss how many quarters it took me to get that good.

Two joy sticks with 8 directions each so moving and firing are independent (no button to push, just pull the firing stick in the direction you want shoot).

Not a sitting game. Massive body gyrations going on.

Had found a machine in Seaside Heights but that business closed

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Won’t watch until late or maybe tomorrow.

Spoiler tags w any details please!

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So, Fallout.

I already mentioned some of my gripes above. I was trying to think of the most egregious example of the humor just totally missing for me and I think I found it.

Before I get to that I did want to say that outside of Maximus, the acting is quite good. Live action Jinx does a really great job with a character that needed more development and didn’t get it, but she does a great job playing the “Trained but innocent vaulty who is getting really fed up with this shit.” And of course Goggins is top notch as always.

But yeah, humor. First of all the “romance” between Maximus and Lucy comes completely out of nowhere, turns into life and death stakes completely out of nowhere and makes little sense. Episode 8 attemtping to shoehorn in 1000 reveals in 30 minutes doesn’t help either.

After Lucy and Max are brought into Vault 4 (A setting and situation that doesnt end up getting resolved and just leads to a sidetrack with no stakes that makes you hate Max even more) she says “soooo, wanna have sex?” Which was a fairly funny line. Followed up immediately by a 3 minute talk about cocks expanding and exploding. Its meant to be funny, but it comes off as stupid and juvenile. If Max is meant to be some kind of “innocent but skilled” counterpart to Lucy, they do a terrible job of explaining why. Yes, we see him brought into the brotherhood when he is a kid, but there is no explanation of why this early 20s guy would have no idea what sex, masturbation, ejaculation, etc is. He knows the word cock, but nothing about its basic function? Were we shown anything that indicates that the Brotherhood is somehow chaste or celebate? It wasnt explained in the show if so. Why is this comversation here and why does it go on so long.

I just fucking hate the Max character so much. Hes entitled, moronic, monotone… ugh. There was nothing redeemable about the character.

4/10, the story is ridiculous and the twists are visible a mile away. There are threads left hanging that seem to have no interest in being resolved now or in the future. No Deathclaws, no Mirelurks, no Super Mutants?!?!? Youre basically watching through all the “scary places” being interacted with in the game. Supermarket, other vaults, medical center, etc. There is no creativity in a world that can be used incredibly creatively, especially since this is set in California which hasnt really been used in the series.

Do something with the IP, dont just make it a shitty rehash of the games.


OK I will admit that episode 3 of Sugar was a step back. All the various connections are getting confusing, and the polyglot society business is very strange. Why does the “handler” or whatever she is have a weird interrogation room in her house? I mean I guess she’s an international spy network person or something but that room is still super weird. Online speculation is that there’s some supernatural element to this show, which would deeply disappoint me. In closing, I am a Coltrane ride-or-die, but Wiley is a much better actor.

We thought Fallout was pretty great. Fun, escapist entertainment. Never played the games so I don’t have the same emotional attachment.

“First of all the “romance” between Maximus and Lucy comes completely out of nowhere, turns into life and death stakes completely out of nowhere and makes little sense.”

Makes perfect sense to me. Episode one literally opens with Lucy desperate to be married. So desperate that she appeals to be able to marry someone, sight unseen, from the neighboring vault. And she’s immediately smitten with him. She falls in love easily.

When she first meets Max in Philly where he battles the Ghoul she already has love in her eyes for him and they haven’t said a word to each other yet. I’m not even sure he’s removed his helmet. Whenever they interact with each other she is constantly giving him little glances. It happens over and over again. It definitely didn’t come out of nowhere.

In addition to Lucy and the Ghoul stories, the Max stuff didn’t bother me and I was interested in the mystery back at the vault.

I’m an easy 7.5/10 on Fallout. I was thoroughly entertained and I like a little whimsy with my bloodshed. Looking forward to S2.

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Spoiler: Shogun kicks so much ass


I’m excited. We hadn’t yet watched episode 7 when my wife and I both came down with a brutal flu. My brain was so foggy I didn’t want to even attempt watching Shogun. So we have eps 7, 8 and now 9 as a mini-binge heading into the finale next week.

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Is Fisto in the Fallout show?

Oh brother that’s nice. I was only on ep 2 and binged the rest this weekend just before ep 9 dropped. Glad it worked out that way

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No Fisto, but Flexo shows up at some point

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Finished watching Fallout last night. It was a fairly easy watch but overall the settings and characters (except Maximus) were way better than the fairly generic plot.

I pretty much agree with everyone here the Maximus is the weak link. The Iron Man like close ups of Max in the suit looked so bad because the actor always had the same expression on his face. Also the Lucy/Max sex/cock explanation scene was just super cringe. I guess it might be sort of possible to have no clue about sex if radiation has killed everyone’s libido or something but still the scene fell flat.

Every scene with the Ghoul in it was great though. I also enjoyed the kid trying to figure out what was going on with in the vaults. Those scene were good to and well acted.

The plot is predictable but overall it was well done and easy to watch an episode or two a night. I will say that unlike some other shows I didn’t feel compelled to just binge it in one sitting.


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Television Streaming Thread: Part III