The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Shogun is decent so far. Definitely trying to copy the Game of Thrones house style.

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Wife and I binged Last One Laughing Canada on Amazon. So much fun, and some great classic Canadians. Check it out

It’s incredibly irritating to me that Japanese lines in shogun are subtitled but “obvious” Portuguese lines are in English.



Expats: bad.

It’s on cable tv. Ain’t gonna subtitle the whole thing. Not bothered.

Looked up some history. Clavell based it on real events but it’s historical fiction.

Shogun fight among regents, Portuguese and conversion, English dude, bad priest translations, lady that spoke Portuguese all happened. Just with different names, different timelines etc. lady died before the English guy arrived.

Every line uttered by the guy who plays blackthorn on shogun is done in the voice and cadence of star-lord in infinity war trying to imitate thor.

I liked the first ep of Shogun, but my wife half noped when they were going to kill the baby and full noped when they pissed on the British guy. She didn’t even get to see the sailor being boiled alive!

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Probably should be blurred?

Curb Your Enthusiasm Question

Too lazy to look it up, but I figure someone here can give me a quick answer. Why does Larry need to stay with Irma for 6 months or whatever? It is so long between seasons that I forget all of the story lines.

Her sponsor said a breakup would fuck with her sobriety.

But why the fuck does Larry care about that?

There’s not a great reason. Best I can come up with is that this season revolves around him cultivating this newfound accidental good guy status.

iirc the city council didn’t repeal that pool gate law at the end of last season, which puts larry on the hook for involuntarily manslaughter. So i think he needs to keep her happy until that is settled

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OK that would make sense.

So if what you’re saying is true, then once Irma finds out about the fake Groat’s, then Larry is gonna get got for manslaughter?

It only occurred to me during the last episode that Larry might be stubbornly going the route of doubling down on the Seinfeld finale by having himself finish out Curb in prison.


I was thinking that from Episode 1.

Stumbled onto The Mire on Netflix. It’s a Polish political/murder thriller set in cold war Poland. Almost done with season 1 and I’m impressed. Full disclosure I am a sucker for these kinds of shows.

It’s also because Larry, in most situations, actually does want/try to do the right thing, at least initially (and often because he finds himself stuck having to do them), but always ends up making a bumbling mess of it due to his obsession with life’s annoying minutia and ultimately not wanting to deal with the hassle of the situations.

Taking in the Black family, reluctantly staying with Loretta after she got cancer, donating a kidney to Richard, wheelchair girlfriend, just to name a few such instances.


I interviewed one of my all-time favorite actors–Bryan Batt, who played Sal Romano in Mad Men.