The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I tapped out of the Americans before the start of of the final season, but I was already losing interest during the penultimate season.

You’re right about the need to have “suspension of disbelief,” since the emphasis is on cloak and dagger suspense with intermittent violence, rather than portraying fleshed-out characters who respond to situations in believable ways.

It’s not quite on the same tier as that of the elite shows, but it’s entertaining nonetheless.

And like many shows, it does take a season or so to find its footing. May not be for everyone, but it does get better.

And plus, Keri Russell.


The best part of Mission Impossible III

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Of all the things that may have been difficult to suspend disbelief about, there is one thing that wasn’t.

“So, she’s just sort of able to seduce on demand? … Yep, checks out.”


“Felicity” was the first show my wife and I watched together. We had a fish named Noel.

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I was definitely Team Noel. Ben just didn’t have the stuff!

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KR yes. Seeing Felicity spying and killing and well ok honey trapping was the biggest attraction

Matthew Rhys’ natural accent always throws me that he can pull off plain old ‘Mercian.


I feel like we all know each other pretty well and I can be honest with you. This is tough for me to admit.

Curb has gone downhill. I don’t really enjoy it anymore. I did not laugh once at the most recent episode. It was mostly cringe. But it’s not just that episode. It’s not been great for a while.

I’m sorry.

I think I agree but I keep watching

I found it less funny, not because it’s not funny, but because it’s the same old stuff. I don’t think it has really gone downhill. I think you’re just getting tired of it. Maybe he should have taken a lesson from that Seinfeld episode of his and gone out on top.

If this most recent episode was the first episode of curb you had ever seen, I think you would have found it better. Admittedly, it was a weaker, than avg episode. Hopefully, it picks up. I’m plot committed to the bitter end.

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Three seasons ago was bad. Two seasons ago was good. Last season was bad even though Maria Sofia was great (the city councilwoman Larry dates is painfully unfunny). Season premiere was average. We’re not going to get peak Curb, but there will be some stuff.

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Have to agree that the first episode of the new Curb was sub-par, but even a sub-par Curb episode is better than most. Sure it’s peaked, but as this is the last season, I’ll be appreciating & enjoying it to the bitter end as the best comedy ever to grace TV.


For me I think the issue is mostly Larry. His reactions used to make even totallly absurd situations seem real, or real-ish. But it’s felt forced to me for a while.

I do think that to some extent familiarity has bred contempt. In previous times it would be hilarious when Larry got super worked up and started yelling about something ridiculous yet completely relatable. Not so anymore.

I also think I should try watching in SD if that’s even possible anymore. Larry and crew in crystal clear HD on the 75" with vibrant colors for some reason takes me out of it.

I’ve been rewatching the first couple Curb seasons, pretty sure season 1 was SD in 4:3 it looks really dated. Crazy that it’s been almost 25 years.

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I started to tire of cringe comedy halfway through the office.

The occasional curb episode in a hotel or plane seat back works for me.

A little goes a long way.

I’m not watching, but I’m paying attention after Seinfeld said this final season will include some sort of payoff to the series finale of Seinfeld.

Eta: or maybe I’m wrong

As for whether or not there’s any truth to the rumors and speculation that the final season might also serve as something of a Seinfeld reunion, David was equally dismissive.

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There’s no way around it being weird that they’re running the “Larry dislikes a woman he’s dating but isn’t allowed to break up with her” plot again. Except this time with a much more annoying character than the Vivica A. Fox character.

I’ll forgive them if the plot leads to a sequence even 90% as funny as this.

tried watching Halo on paramount+ and it was the fastest i ever gave up on a tv show in my entire tv-watching career. i think maybe 6 minutes. i cannot believe they made this show and i REALLY can’t understand how it got a second season. this was the most cringe shit i’ve ever seen


As a cool finish to my first viewing of the Godfather trilogy, I’m enjoying the hell out of The Offer, a series about the making of the first movie. I’m enjoying the series for the same vibes as Get Shorty.


Halo is by far my all time favorite video game.

I watched the whole show, and it was pretty terrible. It in no way advanced the lore from halos 1-3, which were legitimately good sci-fi storytelling.

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