The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Extremely wide range of ability amongst this cohort. Most tv critics are adequate, but I wouldn’t characterize their opinions as dispositive of quality. History is replete with examples of critically acclaimed works that failed to stand the test of time, and Poes dying penniless, drunk, and unappreciated.

They’re more likely to be right than wrong, but I would never stake a claim of what in my estimation is the cream of the crop on what “professional” tv watchers think.

I say this having only watched Season 1, thinking it was decent, and fully conceding Season 2 is probably better. Also, when it was stated this was the pinnacle of TV, I wasn’t considering that in the context of today’s tv (which seems quite poor compared to recent eras), but in the context of the prestige period post-Sopranos. That’s how I understood Clovis to rate it. And maybe Sepinwall also thinks The Bear is in the same class as Mad Men. If he does, he is an idiot and so is anyone who agrees with him—with all due respect.

You haven’t seen it but are confident sepinwall is an idiot for his opinion. You don’t see a problem here?

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We are in a pretty incredible era of animated television. Large scale epics, comedies and dramas, hell, even Sci-Fi with Scavengers Reign.

Carol and the end of the world is something I would recommend. Its heartfelt, its funny, and its incredibly existential. The concept is great and the medium makes for a really cool way to tell the story.

Its also a starring vehicle for Martha Kelly who was my second favorite part of “Baskets.”

So yeah, high recommend. Its not Blue Eye Samurai, but its a pretty entertaining and insightful watch. On Netflix


Where do I talk about Rebel Moon??

It’s a movie but straight to streaming Netflix?

I loved this so much. It’s pure joy from start to finish

Every scene is so economical. Just cool stuff to great line to badass fight scene. Bish bash bosh.

Watch it. Watch it now


Looking at reviews. It’s hilarious.

Literally everyone saying the same thing. But either loving it or hating it

2 star review.

“Basically, if Star Wars invaded Middle Earth, and the story was told by a sci-fi nerd, who was really into Roman history and World War II, this would be the movie.”

5 star review

“Have you ever wanted to watch star wars, gladiator, vikings and world war II all at once? Well here it is! And even better, half of its in SLO MO!!”


Definitely in the hated Rebel Moon camp. Visuals were great but plot was basically AI generated.

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My trainer recommended this to me, apparently the creators wanted to do a Star Wars story but they wanted to go around Disney. I’ll give it a try at some point.

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And that’s realistic. But tv and movies have always been hyper polite, even in extreme chaos, so when people are confronted with more realistic interactions they balk.

Alright, now I sympathize with him a decent bit even though they haven’t redeemed him.

Yeah it’s funny that they talk over each other, stutter, have trouble thinking of the word they want to say or finishing sentences just like we all do in real life. I love that.

Most shows it’s just people flawlessly delivering every word which is one reason i can’t stand anything Sorkin, his character dialogue is vomit inducing.


I love the naturalistic dialogue of The Bear but also love the mannered dialogue of Sorkin or something like Succession. They are doing very different things.

I feel pretty sure that I’m the only person who laughed his ass off at this, but Greg joining in on Matsson’s bullying and getting in sync with the chorus of “EBBAAAAAAA” was one of the more hilarious moments of the final season of Succession.


Bad. Dreadful.
The spine tingling action of Lotr with the witty dialogue and character building of Star Wars

Snyder is easily the worst working director and has to be top three for worst collection of films in a career. Add to that his fan base is rife with incels and he is easily the most objectionable director alive.

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Newest episode of The Curse is just as compelling and just as unclear as to what it’s all building toward.

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Did I miss Roman Polanski dying?

SNL christmas special is funny so far

Also not sure if anyone is watching Bookie but you should because it’s funny

I’m judging their art not their character.


I was going to ask if anyone had watched that. I added it to my list based on name alone.

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