The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

This is 50 mins but very entertaining. We know the guy doing the interviewing.

I think Succession and Six Feet Under have the advantage because they finished their run and are renowned for maintaining high quality all the way to the end.

Itā€™s hard to overstate just how satisfying the series finale for Six Feet Under is. Itā€™s the standard by which I canā€™t help but compare every other series finale.

White Lotus I think can be seen with each season as its own thing, but thereā€™s definite overlap between the two seasons, so itā€™s hard to know until itā€™s over just how interconnected the whole thing will turn out to be. Would not hate you for starting there though as the first season in particular was a home run.


the young pope is a show thatā€™s a lot like twin peaks the return in that an expert filmmaker took a story and some stylistic ideas and instead of squeezing it into 3 acts and 2 hours and locking in a guaranteed oscar, we get to see him play around and let things linger and we get like 9 whole hours of beautiful cinematography and vibes.

Lots of good stuff said already. For things that havenā€™t been said yet, Iā€™ll throw out The Night Of as a recommendation.

Also +1ing Watchmen.


+1 to The Night Of. Perfect for scratching that Serial itch. The first episode in particular sets up all kinds of evidence staging thatā€™s just a delicious flavor of foreshadowing witbout actually letting you know how those things will become important.

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The Doctor seems to get kicked around the streaming services in Canada.

Watched the first episode of Blue Eye Samurai last night. I thought it was great, and my wife also liked it, even though she normally gets turned off by graphic violence.

It did leave me with a question about genetics, though. Since blue eyes are a recessive trait it wouldnā€™t be enough for the main characterā€™s father to be white. The mother would have to at least be mixed race to some degree as well. Maybe this is addressed later.

I donā€™t think it addresses it, just let it go nerd


Watching Escaping Twin Flames on Netflix and itā€™s interesting because I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen too many cults be conducted nearly completely online and having everything recorded. It makes for a lot of very uneasy viewing when in the video a couple is supposed to be excited and happy and the voice over is like 'we werenā€™t talking to each other at all".

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I didnā€™t see the one on Netflix, I saw the earlier documentary on Amazon. Ugh I felt for the people who were or still are stuck in it.

2 takes. First, Iā€™m on team GoT seasons 6-8 werenā€™t bad. I thoroughly enjoyed the series up to the final 2 episodes and then justā€¦ ugh.

Second, I could probably just have the wire on all the time. Iā€™m just finishing a rewatch myself and I think itā€™s probably my #1 show of all time. I agree S5 drags a bit, and Iā€™m glad they shortened it. Itā€™s still really good though, just a few things I didnā€™t like:

I thought the newspaper B story was blah. The show is at its best when its just cops vs drug dealers on the street.
I 100% hated how they ended Omar. It felt super rushed. I get that you had to get him out of the way to set up the cops vs Marlo showdown, but that was just lazy.
I do think the serial killer subplot got a bit out of hand and sharkjumpy even by McNulty standards, but it was still funny as hell.

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Maybe she is. The world is an interesting place.

Would be an amazing second season plot twist.

I kind of wish this scene had zero connective tissue afterward in the series, because I think it would be most beautiful as a stand-alone piece of brutality.


Oh man this is gonna be great!

Why Danny Trejo, why?

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Patrick Warburton and Rob Riggle too. Wtf is going on?

He has been digging himself out of a financial hole for a while and it is known heā€™ll do anything that pays his quote.

Warburton doesnā€™t work that much. I bet Riggle drops out.

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Sounds hillarious, 30 minutes of attack helicopter and snowflake jokes. That wont get old unbelievably fast


Warburton is a right-winger. He blends better as a normie than many of them, but his politics are known.

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