The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

My current list is Saw>2>10>6>everythjng else.

However, if youre into the stupid soap opera shit like I am, you gotta watch them all.

Except for Spiral. Dont watch Spiral.

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Agree there. I don’t think I’d ever seen all of them until I went on a marathon for Halloween. Good to watch, but not good to recommend. They just increasingly became less than fair traps with less than fairly guilty criminals. By the last Saw before X, it was like wake up mfker, you yelled at your kid that one time, now cut off your tongue to escape and then die anyway.

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The strike is over.



Watching the Insurrectionist Next Door and I don’t get how this lady got these people to let her interview them or why they don’t just tell her off. She sounds like someone’s nagging aunt, is constantly asking them loaded questions, and berating them.

As best as I can tell they’re mostly lonely broken men who desperately need attention of any kind so they put up with it just to have someone, anyone, ask them about themselves.

SAG-AFTRA’s thread in reaction to the end of the strike:

SAG-AFTRA on X: “THE #SagAftraStrike IS OVER. :thread: Thread below.” / X (

Particularly happy to see the bit about “unprecedented provisions for consent and compensation that will protect members from the threat of AI.” The less of a foothold that AI has in TV and film, the better it is for not only the workers but for the art as a whole.


The industry’s proposals were koo-koo-bonkers. They basically wanted to own actors’ images and do whatever they wanted with them as long as the actor was paid $X for the original engagement. And same deal for the low-paid folks, once they paid somebodhy $300 or whatever to be an extra they wanted to be able to make them a digital extra in perpetuity.

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Yep. Things would have headed to a dark place awfully quickly if the actors caved to initial demands on this.

No idea what specific concessions they extracted here, and obviously even if they had made a terrible deal they would have put a positive public face on it, but the way this played out makes me trust that the football-spiking here isn’t just spin.

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So I finished this and didn’t realize it was Nanci Pelosi’s daughter that was doing this. Man though she’s not a good interviewer. At least that’s what I thought. Some of the people she interviewed though, man just broken or in terrible circumstances.

There’s a brother and sister. The brother while seeming at least ok has some mental handicap. He claimed to be in special ed in school and wasn’t political. He didn’t even know why the year 1776 was significant. He seems like he was used by his sister who showed up in full tactical gear and seems to have been participating in the riot. He, of course, is taking the majority of the blame.

Then there’s 21 year old woman who went with her uncle. Didn’t seem to political. Her uncle was the one saying inflammatory stuff. You hear her laughing but more in a going along to get along kind of way. She seems kind of slow as well and didn’t handle getting in trouble with the law well, got drunk, drove the wrong way on the highway and killed a family.

Havent read this yet, but the final scene in Bad Choice Road is one of my all time favorite TV scenes. Rhea should have won an Emmy for this episode.

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Truly an all-time elite scene.

Also I will always find it odd that you know episode names so well. I’m always squinting at the screen and going, “What the hell episode is that? Why is he not speaking in awkward combinations of letters and numbers when he refers to specific episodes?”


I couldn’t tell you the episode names of anything, even my favorite shows I’ve watched 5+ times.


I liked the convention for Friends. Not that I remember the name of any of them, but it’s nice to be able to say “The One where Rachel Kisses Joey” and feel like you got it right.

I think my episode-naming abilities are limited to:

*A bunch of scattered Seinfeld and Office episodes, but far less than half of each.
*“Homer’s Enemy” from The Simpsons since it’s my all-time favorite Simpsons ep.

That’s…probably almost all? Oh yeah, and “Connor’s Wedding” just because it amuses me that that’s the episode name.


I watch a lot of review and ranking videos online, which use the names of the episodes, so when they talk about my favorites, it tends to stick after a little while. Only works for things I am very very versed in, and it helps that Gilligan is very deliberate with his episode naming.

I enjoyed the Sopranos but wasnt in love with it. I can think of 3 titles off the top of my head. “College” is the first truly great episode of the series and easy to remember so that one stuck easily. “Christopher” is the clear worst episode of the series and also an easy title so that one sticks too, and “Pine Barrens” is probably the most interesting (and what some consider the best) episode of the series, and takes place in the Pine Barrens so that one isnt hard either.

I used to know the name of the one where Adrianna dies because its so affecting, but I lost it somewhere along the way.

The Body is truly one of the best episodes of television ever produced, to this day. And the musical episode is fucking genius (bunnies! Bunnies! It must be bunnies!).

The monster effects alone would be a turn off for anyone new to Buffy now though.

And shoot me for saying this, but some Whedonisms were actually pretty funny. At the time at least. Haven’t read anything about his horribleness except headlines, does sully the memory of one of my favorite shows :frowning:


Whedon is a monster?

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Kevin Bacon on the strike


I can think of one I bet everyone else remembers too

The Red Wedding

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Apparently, someone else can sum it up.much better