The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Starting a Real Housewives of Orange County marathon

what are you guys doing?



Iā€™m impressed you actually made it all the way to the Dexter finale!


4 eps into the witcher s3, show remains at guilty pleasure level for fantasy buffs. Which is fine and nothing more than expected really.

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I really dug episode 5 and am excited for the rest of S3.

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Me too!!! It got so bad.

So many shining moments throughout the whole show though. Colin Hanks season was great. Julia Stiles as his co killer? The stuff in the final seasons with you know who finding out his identity (lol someone new every season) was AWESOME.

But the actual ending was one of the all time betrayals of every minute of the show that came before it. The revival worked because it opened by talking about how awful the finale was while evoking the very best elements of the final seasons (I promise there were two or three).

Need some For All Mankind guidance.

I am in season two episode nine. The bar wife just slept with her dead kidā€™s best friend and the US and Russians are having the Cuban Missile Crisis in Spaceā„¢. This is getting pretty silly and I want to know if it gets better.

lol OK now the russian asked to defect, I think Iā€™m out

Upon rewatching Mad Men I am not happy in early seasons knowing Peggy is gonna be pegging Duck

I watched Dexter through the finale. But like happens to me sometimes I got stuck on the first episode. I think Dexter sets my personal record for trying to get through a first episode. I tried to watch it six or seven times before I finally got through it.

yeah I quite enjoyed the earlier seasons. Canā€™t remember where I tapped out though. Season 6 I think. No way I can be convinced to watch more though!

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Fear of commitment? I get it.

Not even the newest?? I swear it was amazing.

Saying that having only seen it once though lol so maybe you are wise to chamber that.

Someone mentioned the American Gladiator doc on Netflix. I blew through the 5 episodes.

Was interesting enough. If you have any nostalgia for American gladiators it might be worth checking out, it does make you wonder how tv shows get made because this thing was a cluster initially.

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Season 6 was on average the worst season overall. 7 got better. 8 had its moments as well but totally faceplanted the finale the way so many shows have unfortunately.


Just finished the Sopranos. Will have thoughts later.

Any auugestions/not suggestions for Lillyhammer?

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Would I have to watch the first 8 seasons to watch the newest one? How much would I miss out if I didnā€™t?

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Lillyhammer is fine, but eminently forgettable imo.

Nah just put it on thereā€™s an excellent recap of sorts that works even better if you havenā€™t seen or barely remember most of what it references

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About halfway through this.

Absolutely bonkers that this show lasted beyond those first 13 episodes.

Itā€™s crazy that the lawyers let it continue. I doubt I saw any of those original 13, must have been crazy to see those episodes.

Some crazy stuff still to come with what they did with the ip.

About to finish up with Gladiators, and yah, the show was such a clusterF. Iā€™m surprised any studio saw anything with that pilot episode, and then for it not to be canceled after the initial 13 episode run.

Iā€™m also (pleasantly) surprised that it seems like none of the Gladiators have passed away. Iā€™m sure they were juiced to the gills and partying hard, and tons of WWE/WCW wrestlers from that same era are gone. I guess Gladiators could film an entire half season in a couple days, whereas wrestlers are taking constant bumps and on the road all year, so they probably add painkillers and extra partying on top of everything else.