The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert


I’ve brought this up ITT before and preferences seemed mixed.

What this guy is in all the sci-fi things and I never noticed before.

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I just watched season 1 and my Hulu discount would run out before single week drops would finish so I applaud the single drop for my own selfish and cheap reasons. Plus I binged s1 in a few days so it won’t be weird to me.

But I get the water cooler aspect that is lost by dropping episodes all at once.

Ha, yeah, every time I see him, I proudly tell my wife, “That’s the Dharma Initiative guy!”

She’s usually impressed, actually, because she’s one of those people who always wonders where she’s seen some actor before.


Truth truth

Think I’m tapping out of “Silo”. The introduction of The Flamekeepers is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Latest season of Black Mirror a better horror anthology than the one Guillermo del Toro did last year

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That guy is a great That Guy

I’m enjoying Silo quite a bit. Haven’t read the books so I’m interested to see where this is going. Maybe it isn’t perfect but I don’t find my attention waning… and I’m usually pretty quick to bail on shows that aren’t holding my interest (so long Yellowjackets - S2E1 was the end for me).

is “journey to foundation” a foundation prequel? I haven’t seen foundation, didn’t really read much about it, seemed like it only roughly stuck with the source material?

Same, I’ll keep watching and probably give the books a shot after I finish my current reading list. Not the most amazing show ever made but they kind of have me hooked I guess, we’ll see how long they drag it out.

yeah really disappointed with Silo’s mid run but with 2 left you’d be nuts to jump ship now. Also they were just renewed so you’d hope to have some hope there.

Over 200 More Movies/TV Shows For That ****Ed Up Black Mirror Feeling

See if yours made the list.

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Black Mirror is a show that in theory I should have loved but in practice couldn’t get into.

It’s one of those shows for me that I enjoy when I watch it but don’t experience much desire to watch more.


No idea. I assume it’s adapted from the prequel books but idk.

The first episode of Black Mirror came out over a decade ago as well. I still think it’s a good show, but it’s just not fresh or innovative anymore. In 2011 it was one of the more inventive and relevant shows on TV. That’s no longer the case, so it’s just not as exciting.

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I feel sad to hear that’s your experience of the show these days. For me, it remains at the top as one of the most innovative and well executed anthology shows. The premises are digging into experiences of identity, gender, and orientation way beyond most other shows or movies.

Charlie Brooker: We weren’t meant to be “this is what’s going on in technology this week.” It was always designed to be a more paranoid and weird and hopefully unique show… [It’s] just that the stories that appeal to me seem to often be about … inauthenticity of experience would be one way of describing it.

Some hard swings and misses, such as with Striking Vipers, but I need to revisit a lot of the episodes. Most of them are objectively Good but may not have resonated with me at the time.

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Why was Striking Vipers bad? I certainly wouldn’t put it in the top tier of BM episodes, but it was solidly in the middle for me.

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It’s not bad! It just kinda whiffs on the payoff.

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