I finished Beef. Overall it was excellent, although I’m not yet sure what to think about the ending. One minor quibble:
$10 million didn’t seem like a big enough amount for the billionaire to spend so much time ironing out the deal or for Amy to be set for life afterwards. After taxes in California that would be less than $5 million, and it seems like she was already living an expensive lifestyle before her mother in law started blackmailing her. /bogleheads
My take is that there was some expensive jewelry upstairs that Logan had “gifted” her or promised to give her and she was desperate to go grab it. However, Marcia viewed it as him just letting his consort borrow the items, and so only brought her the items she actually owned. Kerry fell apart because she had basically sold herself out to Logan, but now was left alone without a job, money, or anyone to help her.
I definitely thought she wanted something specific upstairs. Based on the other plot, I wouldn’t be shocked if there was a piece of paper giving her something of value [and that that paper may or may not have found it’s way into a toilet