The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Is this tool the same guy that was going to put all the food and home improvement shows on Mahogany? And then all the show hosts screened bloody murder?

LOLOLOLOL they have produced a lot of cool stuff over the years but yeah they may as well be called Dude.

I considered them off-brand when I was watching TV as a kid, but Paramount (TNN in the 90s) was where you could flip between Star Trek: TNG and Dukes of Hazzard.

They went all in on dude stuff when they merged with MTV. They pushed wrestling, sports, and a bunch of funny shows like reruns of MadTV.

They tried rebranding as Spike TV and that was funny for a minute, then it was like uh…does the world really need more Jimmy Kimmel/Adam Corrolla hybrids?

Seems weird to me that these services have to restrict themselves to one name only. They should have a variety of different skins imo. I’d happily subscribe to “Doyle’s TV Room”

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It was written by Imperioli so blame him.

But seriously, there were several :poop: performances in that episode which brought it down. The Montel interview segment was cringey as hell for example. ETA and so was the entire scene at the church with the guest speaker and Gab Dante giving the priest a piece of her mind afterwards (eek). I didn’t hate it but it wasn’t my favorite.

Also Bobby’s wife died in that episode, so that whole sub plot started there.

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Did you love The Office?

Did you barely make it 30 seconds into Bad Trip before you dropped to the floor in laughter?

Then you need to check out the new streaming series Jury Duty. Don’t blame yourself if you haven’t heard of it. The show is currently airing every Friday on Freeverse.

Jury Duty follows the workings of an American jury trial through the eyes of Ronald Gladden, a juror who is unaware the entire case is fake. Everyone except him is an actor, and everything that happens is carefully planned.

It’s fascinating on a basic level because it explains trial process almost as cleanly as My Cousin Vinny. For there to be a Truman Show element is just good fun.

But if you look closely, fans of Westworld will find one juror in particular might be familiar. He understands if you don’t remember him, though. People mostly remember the other guy.

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I’ve been looking forward to this.

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Will you do an episode recap??? PLZZZZZZZZZ

Haha probably not. But maybe.

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Flipped a coin between the movies thread and this one.


Why is moneyshot the one I am most interested in?

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Pretty good numbers for TLOU, but I don’t know why it is acquired instead of original

Yeah I found those listings confusing in some cases.

My guess is something to do with the relationship between the production company and streaming service.

Lol, I have not even heard of the top three shows. Guess I’m old or something.

Beef update: Las Vegas ep was A++


Have this really long notepad list of shows to watch. Yesterday on tiktok I saw an add for an app called Queue that lets you keep track of shows you want to watch. It is some ways similar to the old Netflix dvd queue.

But the coolest thing for me is you can just paste your list of shows and movies and it adds it to the app. It had like thirty different streaming services to get data from too.

This was on iOS. Don’t know if it works on android but I assume it does. It even has a randomizer to give you a random suggestion from your list.

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Holy shit. Everybody Hurts is terrible too.