The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

To be fair Paulie has to kick up part of that 6k to tony every week too. :thinking:

My understanding was the $6k was the total Chris had to kick up now that he was a made guy. So it wasn’t just from the sports book, but from all sources. Still pretty nice deal for Paulie assuming he keeps most of that.

That said, Pauline’s crew seems like 3 guys so he’s probably not rolling in it.

Right, 10%, in theory. Since time immemorial money goes up, shit goes down

Maybe, but I didn’t read it that way. Especially since his envelope was light on the very first payment because fuckin college football

Right - the sportsbook was Chris’ primary way to make that $6k, so when it came up light he had to do another score to get to $6k.

If the $6k was only for the sportsbook, wouldn’t Chris have owed Paulie the $6k plus a cut of the robbery?

I do think they have to kick up on everything they earn.

Well in theory it’s supposed to be 10% of all earnings. But from the way that conversation flowed, I took it to mean that Chrissy’s “graduation present” from Paulie if you will was Paulie letting him take over the book and Paulie was “only” going to hit him for six gees a week, could be a little, could be a lot. It just seemed the two were inextricably tied together there.

ALERT: Must-watch tv. 5 bags.

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Serious question. Can you watch the Roku channel without a Roku?


Yup, you can just watch on the Roku Channel website or download the mobile app.

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HBOMax renaming itself Max may be one of the dumbest marketing moves of all time.

Edit: I post this because I guess they announced it officially.

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I mean, this is just more brilliant move making from the president of Discovery.

Wtf, wasnt taken?

Had to have been, right? How much would they have had to pay for something like that?

I don’t know, going from one of the best-known and respected entertainment brands in American history to a generic name that is short for “Skinemax” seems pretty smart.


Anyone else watching Beef on Netflix? I saw the first ep, and I’m intrigued by the great leads and it being an A24 production, but so far it seems like a slow start.


The money stuff makes zero sense, Tony is borrowing money from Hesch but Melfi says he has millions and he agrees, just zero effort at consistency.

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It’s fantastic, especially when I learned Ali Wong’s character was originally supposed to be a Stanley Tucci type. But then they got Ali Wong and it suddenly became an incredible mostly Asian cast.

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One fact that should not be overlooked is that Tony can live a much better lifestyle that his income alone would allow because a lot of his benefits are received in-kind: he can eat for free at Artie Bucco’s, get free booze at Adriana’s club, and probably has similar arrangements with many other establishments.

By season 6, he’s losing 6 figure sums gambling, has a 3.2 million dollar boat, so not a surprise he’s illiquid and needs to borrow 200k from Hesh. Not saying it’s super consistent, but the idea that he has a 5-6 million net worth but still worries about who is or is not kicking up minor amounts of money seems plausible to me.

In general, I think the money dynamics are well handled and insightful. Let’s say Paulie does see 300k a year one way or another, I’m sure there are many rl gangsters who’d be perpetually broke even seeing that much because of the lifestyle.

The only thing still bothers me or I still don’t understand is: how the executive game raked in 80k over 2-3 days. That seems extremely high? I mean Davey buys in for 5k and is down 45k when the game breaks, doesn’t seem like there were millions of dollars on the table. How many hands could they have played, what was the average pot size, idk seems like a huge stretch.