The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

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Same here. I tried many times to get through this show based on how highly its regarded among people whose taste I think is good. I finally did and I can sort of see why they like it but I still find the relentless shockiness and intensity of the show too much of a grind. The aesthetic also wears on me. I wonder if the people who love it watched it more contemporaneously rather than years after it came out.

Poker Face season finale was a bit of a letdown. Given the nature of the show, the quality of one single episode doesnā€™t really matter, but it made me (just a little bit) closer to understanding why Star Wars fans hate Rian Johnson lol

Halfway through the ep itā€™s becoming clear that nothing interesting is going to happen plotwise, but at least we hope itā€™s just setting the stage for next seasonā€¦and then he ends it with a ā€œjust going back to where we were before lol gotchaā€
only fun thing was the conversation with the bad guy who knows her power and has to be very careful what he replies to her questions.

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My favorite part is once everyone understands what Pratt said and you hear whatshisname loudly guffaw :joy::joy::joy:

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Meta: fell 3000 posts behind in this thread but stuck to catching up a little bit at a time. Ended up binging ten plus shows in the process of catching up.

Lots of good recommendations in there and lots of spoilers.

I am on the fence about watching TLOU but I am really out on zombie based content. I know Several said itā€™s not about the zombies but I am wary.

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Itā€™s worth watching. Itā€™s a human emotion show


Thr actual zombie content probably amounts to about 20 total minutes of the 8 hours aired so far


Sounds like zombie erasure

Another reason not to watch it.

Check mate Fungi Franchise.

See I am the other way, I thought goddamn this Johnson never gives me what I expect!!! MOAR.

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Wtf they made the finale the shortest episode of the season, bold move.

Great episode though, I liked how they did it.

They also aired it against the Oscars

Start of the season was up against NFL playoffs so I doubt they were too worried about the Oscars.

Flight MH370 on Netflix is garbage, conspiracy theory hogwash. Dont fucking watch it.


Haha my gf and I finished this last night after I watched the first a few nights ago, and I was comparing the New York dude to the ancient aliens guy by the end, and then the older lady is going full conspiracy crazy person by the end too

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The French journalist? Holy shit, what a psycho.

And the fucking lady with the pictures in the South China Scene is ludicrous

Lmao yea French lady just going full moron by end, and yea I kept thinking are they gonna come back to that lady from 1st ep and they finally did smh.

Posting it all over social media and canā€™t figure out why no one is investigating!

No one has any evidence but they all know the official ā€œnarrativeā€ is bullshit

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