The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Nothing to add here cause Sky is 100% correct.



Never played the game but I was convinced tommy was going to die in the last episode itā€™s a common trope in shows/movies where someone has a tough life does bad things then turns their life around heā€™s even about to be a dad oh whoops now heā€™s dead. Iā€™d bet on tommy being dead in the show before Joel but again never seen the game so I could be way off

Iā€™m really enjoying getting to see how people who havenā€™t played the game watch this show. Iā€™m really not sure at this point which side is best. I think game players can enjoy a lot of the details and easter eggs throughout, as well as the slight changes made to better suit the medium, but man, seeing some of the YouTube reactions of the people who are going in blind, it just seems incredible to not know what happens.

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Best way would probably be watch the show with no knowledge, play the game then rewatch the show for comparison if you really like it. I mean Iā€™ve played the game 10+ times since it came out over 3 different versions :rofl:

Iā€™ve definitely done my part to support Naughty Dog


Same, I basically have an annual play through of Part 1 and have done Part 2 twice. Also the MP is hella fun.

Liked watching Joel choke a guy out

poll time!

Iā€™ve made it anonymous, so please be honest, no one will know your answer. I will try to keep it spoiler free.

In Episode 6 of The Last of Us, Ellie comes out of the shower and sees two gifts left by Maria. One is clean clothes. The other is something else. At that moment in the show when Ellie picks it up, did you know what the other gift was?

  • Yes, immediately
  • No, I had to ask/look it up

0 voters

Is it called a Diva cup? If so, I know what it is.

Voted no but I had a pretty good idea from context clues what it might get be for.

The nursing home episode of Poker Face was kind of weak. Thereā€™s a reason Columbo and Jessica Fletcher didnā€™t get in fist fights.

How the hell did we not ever get a Columbo/Murder She Wrote crossover special?


Isnā€™t there one of those videos that turn shows on their heads where the premise is that Jessica Fletcher was a serial killer and she framed all those people? I mean who was there every time there was a murder?

Iā€™m kinda shocked they didnā€™t. Were they too busy filming the Murder She Wrote/Magnum PI crossover special?

Thatā€™s by Pushing Up Roses, who did a retrospective on Columbo but mostly does later era videos about Murder She Wrote, Goosebumps, Are You Afraid of the Darkā€¦


Man, I remember PuR from wayyyyy back in the day.

She used to cover Sierra adventure games and older PC games like that

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Murder She Wrote was on CBS. Columboā€¦ wasnā€™t.

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Damn an OG fan!!!

Yep, and pretty much everyone she ran with (sorta kinda.) Spoony, Phelan, Allison, Welshy, Panda, Lindsay Ellis, Paw, and on and on. That shit was my jam.

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Thatā€™s awesome. PUR was the person who finally helped me remember that the scariest story from my childhood was not from an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark, but was instead fromā€¦Salute Your Shorts??

PUR has a voice I can leave on for hours as background noise. Soothing yet engaging.


I have to sayā€¦as a casual observer of the thread. Salute Your Shorts and Are You Afraid of the Dark are two of the shows that, while my memory isnā€™t perfect, had a gigantic presence in my life as a child. Born in 87. donā€™t think iā€™ll spend time rewatching either but I watched both religiously