The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

The entire lie detector bit is pretty fucking hilarious:


LMAO it is just such a joy for Pedro to turn out to be a real one over and over


How often do you think he gets asked for his take on Pascal’s Wager? Must be exhausting.

How much grief did he get at the time for saying the GoT ending was perfect?

No, I’m certain you’d be the first time he’s heard that joke.

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Tyrion has probably done more intentional evil in the books so far than Dany. The show whitewashed his character, but even in the books his wit, how unfairly he is treated, and his occasional displays of human decency towards some people (Sansa in particular) obscure the fact that he is a spiteful, hateful person who is mostly indifferent to the suffering of others and frequently delights in it.

In the show Dany apparently “went mad” or something which is like explaining the US dropping napalm on kids in Vietnam by saying the US “went mad”, like you could not miss the point of her story any more thoroughly than that.

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Willow. Not overwhelmed. Not hating. The immaturity of the characters is a bit too much. Digging some of the cover songs.

Is Joel gonna make some pipe bombs or what?

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Cunk on Earth is horrible. I really don’t get the praise here.

Give us the GOT prequel series we deserve you cowards


Holy shit, he’s awesome! Man crush intensifying.


It diminished after episode one, but if you didn’t laugh at the first one I don’t know what to say. Probably better if you know zero about it going in.

These days it’s rare for there to be something on Netflix I really want to watch, but if there’s nothing I want to watch I usually put on something from Netflix. Like while working out. Delorean thing up next.

Netflix’s documentary game is pretty strong, tbh

True. Their Attenborough collection is heaven. I could listen to him read a phone book. Instead we get a dozen nature documentaries perfect for background noise. They help me focus and don’t require any context if I stop working and watch it for a few minutes.

What did we think of episode 4 of last of us?

I liked it. By contrast with the last episode, it’s noticeable how if they spend time developing the key Joel-Ellie relationship then there is not room to develop other characters. So in episode 3, the payoff for an hour of “where are Joel and Ellie” is that the Bill and Frank characters are fully developed. In this episode the new characters are flat because we don’t have the time to learn about them. But I assume we will have a few more episodes with psycho Kansas Karen complaining to the manager of FEDRA and she’ll be more fully developed.

I think the cardboard new characters were made in order to give more backstory to Henry and Sam

And [future episode spoilers]
(1) provide more of an explanation of why they (along with Joel and Ellie) have to fight a sniper and armored vehicle and (2) maybe somehow make us more invested in them before their untimely deaths

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yeah. I didnt mind it as an episode, but felt like it did a lot of building. I hope that the characters from this one pay off in the next two or 3.

Scene with Bryan getting killed was excellent. I think it’s a hallmark of great television (or any media for that matter) in how much you have empathy for the badguys

Case in point. Shylock. Literally supposed to be the bad guy in an anti-semitic trope “if you prick us, do we not bleed”

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What’s up with spoiler tags? Doesnt it work for multi lines? What am I missing?