The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Looked something up and I’m kind of stunned. Apparently in Karate Kid 3, the guy who plays Silver is actually younger than they guy who plays Danielsan. WTF!

Better Watch Out
Black Phone

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I generally just wait for it to get on Hulu and watch it all at once. Past couple seasons have been mediocre at best.

Solar Opposites, however, is still pretty awesome.


Goddamn, DS9 was completely off the chain.


Halfway through industry. Really enjoying the season but I could do with a lot less fucking. do people really enjoy watching that? The equivalent in a k-drama is a woman stumbling and falling into a man’s arms and they make eye contact for 5 seconds before gathering themselves sheepishly

Rewatched maybe 10 years ago and was impressed with how well it held up., hadn’t remembered how good it was. Probably enjoyed it even more than the first time


Is Sopranos still worth a watch if I haven’t seen it yet?


Absolutely. It’s top tier.


I would pay so much money to watch it for the first time

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I really tried with Rings of Power but IMO it STINKS

5k instantly.

I’ll take that as a yes.

It’s just too slow. Plus all the elf and dwarven mythology is impossible to follow.

Enjoying scenes but not the whole.

1000% yes.

The Mount Rushmore is unassailable.
The Wire
The Sopranos
Breaking Bad
Mad Men

People argue about the order, but it’s some combination of those 4. It’s good on multiple levels. It’s funny! It pays homage to lots of genre films. It makes surprisingly literally allusions. It’s a metaphor for the decaying American Dream. But above all, it’s entertaining as fuck and Gandolfini is as good as it gets.

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I would add succession, but yes, exactly.

Can’t have 5 on Mt. Rushmore. If Succession goes up, then someone has to come down. I guess Mad Men. While I’m not sure Mad Men belongs (and I liked it a lot), I don’t think we can put Succession past it since Succession isn’t over yet. They have time to fuck it up.

I mean this isn’t writing, it’s writing how the character would write. Was decent, could have been better. Haven’t watched Succession in a while but found the writing to be pretty good.

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