The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Been watching the new Beavis & Butt-head season with my son. It’s pretty good. We’ve definitely laughed out loud. Only two videos per episode, which was always my favorite part of the old show.

Watched like 5 episodes of attorney Woo last weekend. Thought it was good and found some of the cross cultural aspects of law practice interesting. Has more of an emphasis on ethics than most US legal shows. Maybe that’s not surprising from a country willing to jail its president and corporate leaders.

Yes! New movie and new season!

Four episodes into Industry and loving it.

Can someone explain why the fuck Netflix makes all these crappy made-for-tv quality films that have no nudity/sex? Who is that content for?

Netflix is quantity over quality and has been for a while

I really don’t know how they turn a profit


Teenagers and normal people.

Most people don’t want prestige shit. Very few people watch that stuff! Way more people watched two and a half men than breaking bad

This is true of course but Netflix still tries to make some good stuff. They seem to have poured a lot of their “prestige” budget into movies recently.

even if it is not prestige, i just don’t get the lack of nudity/gore/violence. it’s like their goal is to make a made-for-tv movie with actors you never heard of that could have aired on TBS or TNT in 1998.

ROP first two dropped last night. I have not read any source material so unlike LOTR I have no idea what’s going to happen aside from the title.

Pretty much 90% setup so far. Enjoying.

Dwarves>>>Elves for entertainment factor.

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I think it’s just cheaper to make TV shows where two people talk to each other. A lot of Netflix shows are just the McDonalds hamburgers of TV - cheaply and efficiently made, comfortable for the consumer, market tested like hell to maximize the broad appeal.

they’re hallmark movies, they just added more themes/plotlines.

Netflix is good for foreign shows like kdramas, Japanese shows, and telenovelas. That’s about it right now.

These movies have to be setting cash on fire. Netflix doesn’t even seem to promote them at all. How many of you even heard about The Grey Man? They spent a ton of money to get Gosling, de Armas, and Chris Evans to make an action movie that no one seems to be talking about.

Don’t even get me started on all the live-action anime remakes. Those have to be some kind of tax dodge or money laundering scheme.

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I also think that wanting the content to be able to play internationally is a part of it. Limiting sex and gore means more of the stuff can be made available in countries with stricter censorship guidelines.

About a week ago, I took an HBOMax user survey about my favorite shows and characters. I rated Harley Quinn as one of my favorite shows, so I’m just going to go ahead and claim credit for the renewal :)

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I agree about the Korean and Japanese shows for sure. Also in Canada Netflix is the way that I watch some non-Netflix shows. Good stuff like Better Call Saul and Fargo, for example, are streaming in Canada on Netflix.

I also agree with the movies. Probably 9/10 times I hear about a Netflix movie it’s to either hear that it’s not very good (so I never watch it) or it’s some kind of vanity project Oscar bait movie like The Irishman or Mank that I basically have no interest in. The only Netflix movie I can recall really enjoying was Roma.


Marriage Story?

Didn’t bother watching it.

Youre missing out. I wouldnt say I “enjoyed” it, much like I didnt “enjoy” Schindler’s List, but it is a very very well done movie.

I’m sure it’s good, but the “realistic portrayal of a failing priviliged white people marriage” genre was perfected in 1973.