The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Imagine how epic it would have been had they, and GRRM, accepted one of the superior fanfic endings.

Discovery CEO scraps 6 new animated projects including a new animated batman movie, an Amazing World of Gumball movie, 2 Looney Tunes movies and a Stever Urkel movie.

Poor Jaleel White.

Or anybody with some sort of idea. Insisting on showrunning season 8 after how much of a disaster season 7 was is an atrocious decision on their part.

Lol this kid was a superstar


That was legit devastating

Watched the first episode of Better Call Saul. The actor who plays Tuco is so good. I’ve got to imagine it’s hard to play someone so dumb yet so frightening.

Also kids definitely deserved something for calling the abuela a bitch, I’m agreement with Tuco on that.


Oh my god, my envy levels are off the charts right now. Congrats on starting an amazing series


But I do gotta correct you, they called Abuela a biznatch, not a bitch

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Finally got around to the BCS finale. I’ve got thoughts.

WTF was that ending? I just don’t get what Saul thinks he accomplished there. Maybe I missed something, but how tearing up his sweet plea deal help Kim. Hamlin’s widow can still go after Kim in a civil suit. Why the fuck wouldn’t she? What exactly leads Saul to think what he did helps Kim at all? I’m really hoping I just missed it, because it seems to make no sense.

Chad and JT Go Deep

A borat-like tale of two social activists and stokelords trying to improve their local community and the world as a whole. Mostly raising awareness of social issues. A mix of scripted stuff (good) and real people’s reactions (great)

5 bags of popcorn


It doesn’t do anything for Kim, he just wanted her there to witness him accepting full responsibility/punishment for his crimes, like she did, when he could have Sauled his way to only 7 years (and for some reason thought correctly that telling the feds that he had some juicy info about the Hamlin murder that Kim didn’t mention would be the best way to get her to attend). He wants to not be Saul anymore and his crimes were too heinous for Jimmy so he self-immolates. Plus he gets to fuck over Bill Oakley one more time for fun.

Some people say that it is totally out of character, but I think an analogous situation was when he torched his reputation at the nursing home after scheming to make everyone hate the class-action representative old lady.

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That doesn’t make sense.

He hears about Kim confessing while he is in the negotiations. So he already knows that, but it seems pretty clear that he doesn’t hatch his scheme until he has his discussion with Oakley on the plane, in which Oakley tells him that things could go very bad for Kim (civil suit). That’s the point when he springs into action. If he just wanted to have Kim hear him cop to everything, then he wouldn’t have needed to have the extra conversation with Bill.

However the way it goes down is that he asks Bill what’s up with Kim, Bill tells him things could go badly for Kim, and only then does he decide to throw it all away

The convo on the plane was scripted imo, at least from Jimmy’s end. He made it very clear he needed the guard to hear everything from moment one when he started galking to Bill. I think at that point he had decided he needed her in ABQ to witness him and Bill gave him the best out to get her there.

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He can’t just tell the guard directly? It’s somehow going to be more convincing to the guard if he plays out this whole charade with Oakley? I guess it’s possible, but the fact that we’re even having this discussion is not great. Surely they could have given us a little more clarity here. I mean it’s not like it a super important plot point or anything.

It just another scam like all the others he had pulled over the show. Your critique only makes sense if we hadn’t seen him do this kind of thing 100 times before.

Yeah, it’s not out of character at all. What made BCS so good was the depth of the characters, especially Jimmy. He wasn’t just some no-ethics, scammy lawyer. He BECAME that and always had that in him, obviously, but he still had a good heart until Howard was killed and Kim left him. He just had a good heart and went about a lot of things the wrong way, sometimes because he enjoyed it, sometimes because when he did things the “right” way, he always got screwed over.

He lost his good heart for six years, which was the Saul Goodman we saw in BB, but he finally found it again in the final episode of BCS and seemed to ditch Saul for good (hence calling himself Jimmy McGill again).


Closer to 2 years, I think. The BCS/BB timeline is really weird and I think only covers like 2-4 total years in universe time.

In the show, they said it was six years between Kim leaving and Saul calling her in the B&W episodes. Those episodes were only a month or two after the end of BB.

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I just watched the scene in the interrogation room again where Jimmy first hears about Kim giving her confession.

Thats the moment he decides. Not on the plane. Not to try to save her from a civil case. Her confession combined with the phone call where she tells him to confess is what breaks him.

He ruined her as Saul. He took this amazing lawyer and he broke her soul to the point that she stopped doing the one thing she loved and it was all his fault.

He couldnt live with himself as that man. He had to do something to kill the man that destroyed her, and he needed her to see it.

Thats the moment the plan came together, and thats why its very much in character. He always wanted love and acceptance and the only way to get it from the last person left who mattered at all to him was to bury Saul completely.

Its hard to catch the first time, but its brilliant and fitting on rewatch

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That’s not the issue.