The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

This dude is drawing live to being shot in a police standoff and they’re still not gonna shelve this movie. Every new detail that comes out is insane.

Miller has been housing a 25-year-old mother and her three children, who are between the ages of one and five, at the actor’s home ranch in Stamford, Vt. The property doubles as an unlicensed cannabis farm and has several firearms on the premises, according to the report. One source who spoke to Rolling Stone alleged that the one-year-old child was found with a loose bullet in their mouth



lol old Jesse


Better than the first scene though.


Huge shock, but Kim shows back up and we have another certified amazing episode. Its almost as though she is the absolute glue that makes the whole show work. The scene on the car rental shuttle was amazing.


Getting some bad egg on their faces cancelling the inclusive movie (Batgirl) vs keeping the psychopaths flick.


That was very depressing, but very well done.


Thought that ep of BCS was elite.


randomly got caught up in Players on paramount+

mockumentary style “the last dance” but with pro league of legends players. the main guy is like if phil helmuth lost to johnny chan heads up in a foolish way and it haunted him for the rest of his career, and after he loses he grabs the microphone and proclaims himself to be the best of all time and that he’s gonna win seven championships. the main guy is great. supporting cast not bad, series arc pretty good, it stuck me in. finished the series in a couple days.

4 bags of popcorn

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the time traveler’s wife (as reviewed by a man)

pretty good. love time travel. focused too much on the wife tho

4 bags

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This was made by the American Vandal team so no big surprise ita good

re: BCS


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Pretty creative way to bring Jimmy and Kim back together. I have no clue how it plays out from here.

The Woodstock 99 doc on Netflix was pretty fantastic. Highly recommend especially if you don’t know a lot about what happened.


But if “Nathan for You” made consistent use of the disruptive “is he fucking with us or is he for real?” tactics of the late anti-comedian Andy Kaufman, “The Rehearsal”—brilliant, audacious, occasionally disturbing—takes things a step further, by borrowing from the byzantine narrative configurations of another Kaufman: the film director Charlie. Much like “Being John Malkovich,” “Adaptation,” and “Synecdoche, New York,” in which the protagonists engage with reality by confronting a nutty metafictional version of it, “The Rehearsal” probes the divide between art and life, and the potential of the former to transform the latter. What happens, the show asks, when people who struggle to find connection and meaning attempt to achieve it by layering their lives with the scrim of performance?

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Still really enjoying Only Murders, although I think I kinda don’t actually care about the main plot. Who killed Bunny is the least entertaining part of the show.

We watched 2 episodes last night. I had no idea about this before I watched. What a colossal disaster. My jaw was dropped the whole way through.

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I liked when they go to south korea and one of the teammates is Korean and he says, “I know the best restaurant in town” and they go to Buffalo Wild Wings

It seems to be flying under the radar. Maybe because it is summer. But it’s one of the most insane things i have ever watched. Makes Tiger King or the Fyre Fest stuff look tame in comparison. It’s also a deep dive(without showing anything besides what happened or talking to the people who were there) into late 90s young white male culture. Which unfortunately as someone who graduated high school in 99 was both horrifying and relatable.

I won’t spoil the last ep but obviously things don’t get any better.

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Things that stood out to me the most below. Can’t wait for episode 3 tonight.

  1. The scene with Wyclef playing the national anthem and asking everyone to throw trash. Holy shit it was just a barrage.

  2. Lot of boobs.

  3. Limp Bizkit and Korn were oveeeeeerrrrr. Fred Durst knew exactly what he was doing and didn’t give a single shit.

  4. The amount of trash is staggering.

  5. lolcapitalism

  6. Fatboy Slim legit seemed bummed out about the whole situation. I couldn’t believe the rape of a minor scene.

  7. Not letting people bring water bottles in is peak poor decision making.

  8. Security guy selling his yellow shirt for $400 only to have an extra in his bag.

Ya those moments were all completely insane. This was basically the girls gone wild era of American culture for young people. I remember some of my own behavior towards women during this time and it is horrific and shameful to even think about. No I didn’t assault or rape anyone but I certainly engaged in some sketchy/dishonest behavior towards women in pursuit of sex. The stuff I did was insanely tame compared to what you see in the documentary though. It’s wild to see how much the culture has changed in a little over 20 years with regards to this stuff. I’m glad it has.

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The reason it isn’t generating much interest is because HBO already did a Woodstock 99 documentary like a year ago.

As for BCS, it looks like Saul will finally have his comeuppance. Guy got away with so much for so long but this season will end with him getting his.

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