The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

It has made me appreciate the term “slack jawed”

When we got to the third level of depth in the last episode, I couldnt close my mouth

how many bags though?

I only watched first episode and my honest thought is that the subject was a paid actor but was only given very loose instructions about what to improv.

however, how nathan approaches interactions with people is how my brain works 24/7 and its kind of funny to see it played out comedically

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Ohhhhhhhh fuck, I forgot that was from this episode. Its so good

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This episode kept getting mentioned so I watched it. I see why The Rehearsal makes people think of it. But I could not watch that scene.


33 miles left until empty, jesus christ was crucified at 33

“oh, okay”


I don’t know guys. I mean he got a grown man to wipe another grown man’s ass in the woods. If that’s not cringe, then I don’t know what is.

I guess if we measure in cringe/minute or something like that maybe there is a difference. But I think that both shows have plenty of what most would consider cringey.

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I just gave the show ten minutes and it seems to be pretty much exactly what I was expecting. Not for me.

Decided to watch Nathan for You before watching The Rehearsal. Just a few eps in and already a lot of great stuff. Really like the cigar store Indian vs. arcade cabinet and the $1.75/gallon gas (after rebate).


Idk wtf that discovery/HBO max
Combo thing is.

I was crying from laughter at the end of the gas station rebate episode.


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This was almost exactly my experience with Sandman but I made myself watch 20 minutes

Rehearsal reminds me of Review if he’d actually done the Reviews irl


I need a new rick and morty season

Rehearsal for me is only watchable when it spends enough time on the “Nathan” character to balance with time spent on the “real” people

so ep 3 almost lost me, but I did enjoy ep4 a lot (especially the second half), although there is a general uneasiness that will probably never go away for me now.

I thought the first episode of Barry was awful. Does it get better?

Oh God no. R&M has been terrible the last two seasons with a couple of episodes being the exception.

They’ve completely nerfed Rick, dove head first into crass incest jokes, upped the profanity bigly, and all of the sudden the entire family is going on adventures rather than just R&M.

The original was something that my roommates and I watched a bunch in college. Rewatched it again not too long ago, and it’s still great. I guess I should probably check out the sequels again, too. I definitely saw this one:

and I’m pretty sure I saw this one:

But I had no idea there was a 4th (direct to video):

which, c’mon, doesn’t even have Kid 'n Play and has no connection to the first 3. What are we even doing?

But apparently that was followed by a fifth and final entry that IS in the original universe:

It’s one of the best shows on TV. I don’t specifically remember the first episode, but the entire series is fantastic.


Anyway, I opened this thread to read about The Rehearsal and got distracted.

Never seen NFY and can’t really say I’m enjoying or even really understand this show. But I’m 4 episodes in and I feel compelled to keep watching, so there’s obviously something appealing about it, I guess.

I feel like a complete moron, too, because I have no idea who is or isn’t in on the joke or what the joke even is.