The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

I don’t really understand that. Seems weird to hate an actor due to the roles they play. I mean it’s acting right? I’d never consider hating an actor because of a character they played. More than enough other reasons to hate celebrities. Im looking at you De Caprio preaching about environmental issues while sunning yourself on your private yacht.

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Yeah Netflix trending is weird. There was a random terrible Keanu 2016 horror/thriller that hit there last week. Knock knock I think called?

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This is the correct response, and yet Anna Gunn got major shit as a human for playing Skylar, especially when she gained weight in later seasons. She wrote a pretty great op ed about it in the NYT near the end of the series.


I think one of the reasons that the reverence for Walter is so scary is that it was very much a precursor to deplorablism. There were many many people who considered Walt the hero of the story. Loved how he put his bitch wife in her place, loved that he came out on top against the dark skinned villains. They didnt care that in the end he lost everything and died surrounded by the only thing that loved him, the cold machines that made him a household name amongst a bunch of drug addicts, he was on top of the world once. He proved you could take your shitty existence and become a millionaire. A lot of people saw his story as that of the american dream and that’s pretty sick.

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Yeah I wasn’t woke enough to root for the heroic Tuco Salamanca. White privilege!

Although Tuco probably would have voted for Trump in 2020.

My pop just finished Justified and was legit sad that he finished it lol

Now I’ve got him on Sopranos for the first time



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This is his podcast, which he smartly also put on YouTube. I think technically it is still “on” though he hasn’t made any new ones in a couple years now. Billy Bob Thornton is pretty good too.

Jesus, ban for horrific kerning.


I obviously wasn’t saying the cartel kingpins were the heroes of the story… but you knew that.

I just wanted Huell to get out clean

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I’d ban you if you I didn’t like you so much. Any movie starring

  1. Keanu Reeves
  2. Ana de Armas

by definition is not terrible. It may not be GOOD, but it starts from the baseline Worth Watching.

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Thats why I watched it last night, it was awful…Ana de Armas was unreal though

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I’ve watched an enormous amount of Chapelle material, but I’d never seen several of these brief stand-up spots

Just watched Feel Good on Netflix. It’s interesting and different. Six short episodes only.

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Baaaaahahahahhaaha Stacey Abrams GOAT



Safety Not Guaranteed

I thought it was ok. I wasn’t a fan of the ending. I am a fan of Aubrey Plaza playing Aubrey Plaza. Mark Duplass was great as always. I don’t think we really needed as much as we got from the writer and the other intern. 5 or 6/10