The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

I didn’t really mind the themes or writing in general for Westworld S3, convoluted at times certainly, but mainly its just that the pacing seems off. The action scenes just don’t blend in well with the with plot/dialogue. Here’s a colossal supercomputer built by feuding French scientists that can control and predict every aspects of our lives (ok, interesting)… so now we’re gonna do karate for 20 minutes.

He’s telling you to stand down, comrade.

I fail to see what the problem is

He’s trained his entire life for this moment.


The Upload pilot was…ok. It certainly has potential. It has that persistent problem with these American shows where every actor could just as easily have been a model in a perfume ad. When you narrow down your casting call to include only beautiful people, the output is going to suffer. Give me some 4/10 heavy-set Brits with bad teeth and I know the script and acting is going to be elite.

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I hated the documentary but this could be fun.

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lol people who don’t know what “leftist” means and just use it to mean “cultural thing that bothers me”

(although yes this ranking is bad. the AV Club’s ranking of the 2010s was embarrassing too)

Fargo is the most overrated show of the last five years.

It’s good. All Veep fans should check it out.

Yeah, and Tony is a satire of the American Dream-- he’s “made it” by being a crude lout in the suburbs with a materialistic wife and shitty kids, whose entire life is subsidized by violence, and who stirs up drama out of boredom. (As I heard Felix Biederman observe on one of the “This Is Sus” episodes, Tony complains about how hard his job is, but he mostly hangs out at the pork store and the strip club, and most of his problems are caused either by him flying off the handle with unnecessary violence or starting up affairs. At least, once you get past season one.)

Yeah, this has kinda kept me from checking it out after season 1. I want a show that tells a story, not one that just hints at things to drive discussion that it never intends to pay off. But then again, that’s why I’ve soured on a lot of dramatic TV in the last few years-- most of it seems to be written with the intent of creating discussions and clickbait, or keeping the viewer hanging on as long as possible, rather than telling an actual, finite story, with a beginning, middle, and end.


Counterpoint: Fargo S2 is the single greatest season of a television show ever produced.


I was about to say “A little bit of karate is fine, lets just cut back a little” but honestly I think you can discard the Maeve is a ninja with superpowers bit completely from the show and it would be a lot better. Its just pointless action that makes it more like a comic book movie and less like sci-fi.

Yeah but you’re forgetting Maeve spent 48 hours in a ninja themed amusement park once. You can’t ask her to discard such a big part of her identity.

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This is a very hipster thing to say.

All kidding aside, how else do you get OITNB ahead of, much less in the same conversation as TS and J, without some crazy Foucaultian inspired metal gymnastics?

I don’t even know how you plan to quantify this bold pronouncement (probably a couple anecdotal reviews calling it the GOAT), but its IMDB and RT are absolutely commensurate with its value.

See this is what I’m saying to the people who are only responding to how much people ITT dislike the show. Everything you hate about it makes me feel dumb for not binge finishing the rest of season 3 right now.

Maeve is a ninja with superpowers?
More like a comic book movie than sci-fi?
Obtrusively articulated philosophical ideas amidst pointless action?!?!?!?!?!?




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Wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people had Orange is the New Black higher than those. Certain demographics probably rank it significantly higher.

I don’t myself, but I am a fan of all of those shows.

Youtube just suggested this to me. 6mil viewers. Apparentely released on April 20th. Anyone watched it? Is it worth it?

Havnt seen it but I think that is the one the right wing nuts are going crazy over because it suggests some downsizing of the economy to combat climate change.

OITNB is very season dependent in terms of watchability


The entire reason d’être of these “top x of x” lists is to start online fights but the fights are never interesting. It’s purely and 100% subjective. There is nothing inherently correct or incorrect in these rankings.

The show is weird in that the least interesting character in the entire show happens to be the main character.