The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

My impression is that Gorsuch and Thomas have their own ideas and are just people most of us generally disagree with, while Alito and Kavanaugh are just partisan.


Co-sign on the Alito hate. Absolutely the worst justice on the court.

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In a West Wing/Camelot fantasy kind of way, that’s true.


I haven’t read it so, could be wrong.

But on point 2, it doesn’t matter what Congress has done since the CRA was passed, what matters is their intent at the time it was passed. If otherwise, Congress could game the system and narrow prior laws by proposing and then failing to pass new laws that purportedly extend the scope of the law.

edit: I stated this a bit too broadly - it would matter what the same Congress did as that would show their intent when they passed it.

“Without fear” is probably a bit too strong. Bigots are dumb, but they’re occasionally smart enough to come up with bullshit performance-related reasons to fire the objects of their hatred.

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SC is really doing work today. Won’t hear sanctuary city case:


Would I be a conspiracy theorist it I thought this was an attempt for the court to buy its self credibility in a case that nobody in power actually cares about? Like this doesnt actually hurt any conservatives and just gives them something else to campaign on.

Still super happy about the decision but I dont believe a single thing these pieces of shits do is in good faith


Well, I guess one response would be, “Why do they need credibility?”. They’re motherfucking supreme court justices. They have the final say and they’re essentially unfireable. They can’t get promoted to a better job. One of the best things about being an SC justice is that you can give absolutely no fucks and no one can do shit. You’re basically invincible. Credibility is for lesser judges.

Does that help?

For sure this. Also who cares if it’s in bad faith whatever that even means. It’s still law.

SCOTUS is not playing today.

Good 2
Trump 0

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I might need a law bro to help on this one, but I’m not 100% sure turning aside the sanctuary city case is a pure win. According to article, second circuit sided with Trump admin, so those states still have to worry. I think.


There was that one case a few years back where Thomas was on the right side of a 5-4 where people were suing Texas to let them have stars and bars license plates and he made up some nonsense about “government speech” to shoot them down. That’s the only time I remember him being on the right side of anything ever.

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Conservatives definitely actually care about enforcing bigotry via courts. They care about this loss a lot.

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I dunno I’ve heard law bros talk about supreme court credibility a ton and how they care about legacy. Maybe that’s just law bros being law bros idk

And I’m sure they care a ton about their cock tail parties

Low level poor voters. Nobody in power does. Plus you can still fire anyone for anything you want in basically any state. All this means is they have to lie about the reason now

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There has been a lot said and written about Roberts’s concern for the credibility of the SCOTUS. During FDR’s presidency, SCOTUS shot down so much popular legislation that FDR had support to pack the court.

There’s definitely a legit risk of the nation at-large viewing SCOTUS as another wing of the GOP.


Oh yes. One of the core tenets of 2020 American conservatism is Thou Shalt Pack The Courts so as to enforce conservative culture. The left is easy behind the curve on weaponizing the courts.


From the 15 minutes i once put into it, Robin’s argument is BS. Thomas is at least as bad as Alito, with extraodinay longevity and consistency.

I think I made it like 80 pages into Robin’s book on conservatism before deciding it wasn’t very good.