The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Don’t worry everyone - we can be nihilistic edgelords on the internet and that will surely slow them down.



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Hey don’t be such a nihilist

If Rs win, it’s going to be by hugging their team and driving turnout. If they lose, they will want to have served their masters and make sure they are happy to ensure maximum payoff in private life.

Ds hacked the system with constituent calls, etc. to Rs in 2017 to put a little scare into them and tap the brakes a bit but Rs soon figured out that the rules had changed and vast majority of calls these days on “liberal issues” are from people that are never ever voting for them anyway in this hyperpolarized era. And this has become more true and obvious everyday that Rs have tied themselves to team Trump.

Don’t mean to be a downer but that’s the way I see it.

Hate to break it to the libs but Republicans will not be shamed by their own words, or anything


A decent amount of shame will flow if they lose substantially. But only if they lose substantially. Narrator, don’t you fucking post tonight.


Right but it depends on the state. Pat Toomey faces re-election in PA in 2022, he won by 1.7% last time. He’s pretty far right, but doing this will drive turnout through the roof in 22. I’m already going to be motivated to volunteer for his opponent, but if he fucks around he’s going to find out just how much free time I have to knock on doors.

Susan Collins isn’t getting shellacked because she’s losing conservative voters, she’s getting crushed because Democratic turnout is at like a 12 there because they got REALLY pissed over the Kavanaugh vote. They thought they had a moderate.

Romney, Kasich, McMuffen and yea you right.

Susan Collins is going to see a 40+ point swing in her race from '14 to '20 in all likelihood. #FAAFO



My mom says she’s a single issue abortion voter. She also says she’s not voting Trump this time. Whatever disaster the Rs ram through - now it’s 6-3, there’s no excuse for single issue abortion voters who claim to hate Trump.

Are they really single issue voters, and will that matter? Probably not. But it’s interesting to think about. I do think my mom is sincere in saying that. I just don’t know if it’s true subconsciously.

I think he’s going to jerk off to having his words used against him as he goes and confirms a nominee anyway.


Dems better make the Kavanaugh hearings look like a rubber stamp. The bloodier the better - for voter turnout.

Dumb question - but would it be better strategy for Rs to wait for the lame duck/not lame duck?


Is there even a rule that hearings have to happen?

That’s what I was wondering. Law bros?

Not if a majority of Senators say there doesn’t have to be one.



Under George W. Bush? No.

Under Trump? Bullets are cheaper.