The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I mean if one views Trump as a threat to the constitutional order, then it seems to me one could take certain official acts to eliminate such a threat.


History books are mostly accounts of people killing each other by every means available for every possible reason. There will still be history books in 50 years, they’ll just be a little longer.

Ain’t no way Barron allows history books in the classroom

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Nah, just drone strike the SC


Drone strike the supreme court, leave Trump for the Biden replacement

I mean, it would be an official act, you can’t question the motive, and it’s to save democracy from an enemy. It would be unassailable logic

God bless the people here reading SC rulings in recent years. Absolutely brutal.


Is mushroom cock sex with porn stars before taking office an official act? Cant wait to hear what the ruling is when that makes it to the SC

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Does this mean the dems can replace Biden with Nixon?

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What is your plan?

I am the president

I have explained dozens of times what methods of organizing I find most effective. I am constantly out there working.

Wookie: oh yeah well what’s your plan, bigmouth

Given that our system and government has been exposed as the flimsy sham it’s always been, I’m very not surprised to learn that nobody is coming to save us.

I know we say it all the time but normies, so like literally 99% of the country, have no fucking idea what’s coming. People just assume it will be like the first term.


Why don’t you refer Wookie to some groups that he could participate in?

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i’ve always maintained that the US democracy experiment ended with citizens united. it just takes a decade or so to wind down.