The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Fun trivia about Chevron: the head of the EPA at the time was Neil Gorsuch’s Mom.

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It’s not like it’s going to lower the number of homeless in CA, but it will undo some progress and Metro areas will force homeless people into the core areas. It’s going to make the Tenderloin, West Oakland, Downtown LA etc more crowded with tents.

Not sure who pushed for this though. Oregon State passed a law that will still protect homeless rights in Oregon, though this may inspire them to change that.

Where she spent 2 years trying to destroy it before having to resign in shame after a number of controversies and run ins with congress.

Neil hates the EPA cause it was mean to his mommy.

Neil’s mommy should have used a coat hanger.

We used to have a country

Happy trump is a king and totally immune for anything day! SCOTUS officially ends American democracy today. What a day to the alive!


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can’t wait to see how roberts figures out how to give trump immunity but structure it in a way that biden gets no immunity, should be impressive


1% chance it just straight up says “for republicans only”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nah they saved it :rofl::rofl::rofl:

First up, (effectively) no more statute of limitations when suing over regulations. 6-3. Soundsbad.gif

FL and TX lose 9-0. 6-3 Trump is a god king

Only for “official acts” rotfl.

It’s literally the “everything a republican does is official and nothing a dem does is “ ruling.

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For official acts, but not unofficial

True, so “official acts” are ones done by Republicans and “unofficial” ones are done by Democrats.

I wonder who will decide which are which!

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Imagine writing this utter garbage in a logic 101 class. Would be instant fail. I genuinely don’t understand how a lawyer is the US can go to work each day knowing the entire system they work under is complete fabrication.

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The court in Part III of its opinion indicates that in this case “no court has thus far considered how” to distinguish between official and unofficial acts.

Moreover, Roberts continues, “the lower courts rendered their decisions on a highly expedited basis” and “did not analyze the conduct alleged in the indictment to decide which of it should be categorized as official and which unofficial” – and it wasn’t briefed before the Supreme Court.

So the Supreme Court isn’t going to make that determination now. Instead, it will send the case back to the lower courts for further proceedings, although it does offer some guidance.

I nailed it, they’re sending it back down for more rounds of circle jerks.

Gotta send it down to the lower courts to decide if overturning an election is an official act of the presidency or just a side hustle. A kind of hobby, if you will.