The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Tomorrow was not announced as the last day so we’re warp speeding into Monday.

This seems like it’ll grind the administrative state to a crawl, unless there’s an expansion of the courts. I will guess though that the things that conservatives like, like immigration enforcement, won’t need a jury trial while things they don’t, will.

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This is straight up insanity. Every regulation on earth has civil penalties attached that the regulator can apply without the courts. Then the defendant has the right to go to court on appeal. To bring the court in the front end is so bad for the governments ability to regulate anything.

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Facing a criminal charge with a max punishment of <6 months in jail? No guaranteed jury trial for you.
Facing criminal charges as a juvenile? No guaranteed jury trial for you.
Some rich prick who might get fined like 1% of the money they stole? Get this motherfucker a jury trial STAT!


Yep they, of course, made a carve out

Each conservative SC justice:


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Watching Elon suffer through a trial might be worth it though

Seems like the case is not as broad as people are saying, with the case focusing on the one charge as opposed to all civil penalties get a jury trial.

“Certain classes of persons” doing a lot of work there.

Homeless people aren’t people 6-3, Chevron overruled 6-3. Nice pile-on after Trump got re-elected last night.

Well hold on there, always a chance they rule Presidents have full dictatorial immunity and Biden can give himself a little help.


RIP Chevron deference

One more today from JR kneecapping the J6 prosecutions. KBJ joining in the 6-3 majority, Barrett joining Kagan and Sotomayor in dissent. Only KBJ without an opinion in April but I doubt they’d give her the immunity case so JR will probably have that one on Monday as well. WARP SPEED baby!

The worst is yet to come and man it won’t be fine

The worst thing about chevron is it’s certainly the most impactful ruling of the term but the media and public don’t understand why so it will be totally ignored.

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Oh yay, a 114 page Roberts opinion on Chevron that I have to read.

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The good news is it doesn’t matter at all. It’s over.

Richest nation on earth criminalizes homelessness is an angle I didn’t see coming.