The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

The Thomas version is the republican dream because it effectively ends the administrative state and hobbles all environmental law. Imagine congress drafting air emissions regulations. lol.

Right. It would be a nightmare.

Looking at who’s authored majorities so far for the January sitting only JR and Rapenaugh haven’t done one yet so it’s likely one of those two. And given JR’s penchant for keeping the juicy ones for himself I’d say it’s more likely to come from him.

Oh joy. It’s sure to be overwrought and more confusing if that’s the case.

“Justice Barrett, concurring with Parts 1-3 but dissenting from parts 4-7 of rape guy’s majority opinion,” clarifies FUCK OFF LIBS

Opinions coming today, tomorrow, and Friday. They haven’t announced that Friday is the last day so it’s possible they kick one or two (lol Trump immunity) to next week although not certain yet. Either way get ready for some heinous shit to start coming out.

Granting Trump immunity right before the debate and letting him run a victory lap would be just perfect.

Maybe the Court grants Presidential immunity and a member of Seal Team 6 interrupts the debate by shooting Trump? Have we considered that yet?


Only 2 opinions, nothing major. The government can coordinate with social media companies 6-3 based on lack of standing by the states suing and reinforcing that bribery is legal 6-3. Seems super likely that we’re going to spill over into next week (lol warp speedaments).


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lol so you just have to pay your bribe after, not before?

and then it’s a gratuity… and vote trump for no taxes on tips!

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According to previous cases you can also pay your bribe before too. As long as you don’t explicitly say “I’m giving you this bribe so you do X” and get it signed and notarized you’re pretty much good to go. Even then you’re probably 50/50 to get an overturn of your conviction by this court.

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On 5-4 they were making fun that when conservatives want to they can easily understand a concept but when it cuts against what they want they act very philosophical. On 5-4 it was when it comes to political gerrymandering the justices are like “well what is a political party? What does it mean?” but when it comes to being asked to testify about corruption by a Democrat they’re suddenly like “it’d look suspicious to only meet with one political party”

Here the justices are like “exchanging money? What about gifts? What is a gift in the first place?” and when you read the actual events told by the dissent you’re like “yea this is clearly corruption”. When you tailor your contracts to favor one company and then show up at the company saying “I need money” and ask for $15,000 dollars (they negotiated it down to 13,000) and it gets billed as “consulting services” then yea it’s clearly corruption.

The employees even testified that he didn’t do any consulting services! You can’t make it any more obvious except to show up and say “I’m here for my bribe”.

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The summary I saw was that the decision was that bribing a state official is a matter for the state and the existing federal laws applied to bribing federal officials.

doesn’t that kind of make it a conflict of interest to narrow it like that? so if the state is the only one that can punish bribery of state officials, why not just bribe the state officials that punish bribery. free gratuities for all and no consequences?

we have investigated ourselves and we have found no wrongdoing.

What if I told you it’s completely legal to bribe a justice in the highest court in the country?


My understanding is that it was a federal law that applied to bribing state or local officials and the SC decided that for this particular law what happened didn’t count as bribery. The state could have their own laws that could apply at the state level.

But I don’t have time to read the decisions so I might have been reading the excerpts wrong.

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Bonus opinion: