The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything






And the award for most worthless tweet ever sent goes to…

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Opinions coming today and it looks like they added an extra opinion day tomorrow. Might be about time to get one or two juicy ones to mix in with the ones nobody gives a shit about. The time seems ripe for Rahimi to come soon to get me that $50 from clovis given it’s one of the last cases from November that’s yet to be decided and it’s one where they can set themselves up with some PR cover for the atrocities to come.

We already have clearly-defined ethical rules that Thomas is flagrantly breaking, there is already a legal method of recalling justices who are unfit for office as Thomas inarguably is. Completely inexcusable that not a single Dem is calling for his impeachment.

Mifepristone challenge rejected based on lack of standing 9-0. Getting that good PR train on the track.


Two more opinions after that one, not hot button ones though. Down to 26 cases left to decide for the term.

The mifepristone case will be back in some form. The lack of standing was too obvious–even Alito and Thomas were too ashamed to sign off. They will find other ways to fuck with abortion, via Comstock Act or other craziness.

One thought, perhaps Kavanaugh went abortion crazy to get on the supreme court but doesn’t really give a shit (at least in the manner of Thomas/Alito/Gorsuch), same with ACB.

What reasons could they have for not doing so? I don’t get it. If we put up with their grift, the least they can do is fight for the people

If I had to guess it’s probably because they know it’s dead on arrival so they don’t want to put any energy into it. Rs are really good at pushing and pushing until something becomes popular, or at least until they have the means to execute on it. Ds are really good at preemptively surrendering.

How in the fuck was that unanimous!?! A republican writes opinion!!!

Are they actually getting scared about their social license?

I am so confused.

Democrats act like they think their role is to represent the collective will of the people and not to lead the people.

It was unanimous because it was a very basic decision.

Same reason the Dems never stand up to Republicans. Because they’re spineless dickcranks and it would ruin the collegiality of the court if justices got fired for taking bribes.

If you’re going to delegitimize the SCOTUS, at least have the votes to get something out of it. Also, delegitimizing the SCOTUS is wrong.

They are not legitimate. Every SCOTUS expert not in MAGA agrees. Jesus. Institutionalism is your religion hey.

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Well, there were probably at least 2 that would have F standing but they read the room. IMO they took it cause the intended to rule but then Roberts and at least one other screwed the pooch so they all just got in line.

They will get another shot in a year or two.