The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

How many times can I heart this post?


Itā€™s all cover. Biden at a stern talk with Israel, Palestine civilians get bombed. Another stern talk is coming

Who got banned?

I ate a week after ikes complained about me bringing up his amazing cruise ship escapades. According to ikes almost nothing i said was actual reality but somehow it was an attack on his family i guess. The original punishment was less but it wasnt enough for ikes so he complained until it got increased to a week.

To be fair I know better so itā€™s whatever but crying to the mods is pretty deplorable behavior also. He flagged posts tonight as well.

And its the same old ikes routine.
-Someone posts something
-Ikes posts something unbelievably bad/dumb in response
-He gets told he is a dumb dumb
-Things escalate until he is calling for punishment


Not what happened either! Fuck dude get tested

Mildly hot take, there are plenty of universes in which Obamacare didnā€™t happen and we now have better healthcare. Obamacare made significant improvements. It also put a bandaid on a corrupt system and allowed it to continue to fester.


Get tested for what ikes?

Ikeā€™s complaining to mods lololololol


Yeah the real bad guy here is the one saying we shouldnā€™t imply that other posters wives are sluts with wildly misremembering of extramarital affairs

Sure seems like you are a liar as well as a dumb dumb.

Insurance companies profits have shrunk and we care more about health outcomes vs profits now though

Idk how many IQ points lower the average was in 1794 but Iā€™m pretty sure they figured out a better solution to these rich assholes than we will in the next 100 years

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Also a lie about what happened but ok

You didnā€™t get punished because I complained. a mod didnā€™t realize what you did.

Mods are busy cleaning up your shit again, because again your shitty behavior is perfectly fine here.

So you did keep complaining until the punishment got increased? You just said you didnā€™t?

You have taken multiple shots at my mental health tonight but you dont see me whining about it like a immature dumb dumb now do you?

What would a mod possibly need to clean up here? People talking to each other on the internet?


America very clearly has ā€œsome formā€ of socialized health care. Not for everyone obviously.

How? At what point was a single-payer system ever politically viable? Hillary pitched a more aggressive healthcare proposal in the 90s and the Dems got spanked for it.

Obamacare is/was a massive improvement. Like how putting mustard on a bottom tier hot dog makes it edible.

There is an ocean of difference between the current US system and an actual good system.

Didnā€™t Obama nearly get it passed until Ted Kennedy died or something and they only had 59.5 senate votes?

Dems just havent been capable of countering the right wing am/fox news propaganda for 30+ years. Thatā€™s almost as big of fail as their actual platform.

Also its pretty wild we came very close to single payer or a single payer option in 2009 and we have regressed so far to the point where itā€™s basically impossible and not remotely politically viable for even Dem politicians to even be for it. The GOP has gained so much ground in the national debate over the last 15 years itā€™s crazy.

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