The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I really think Biden should declare the ruling unconstitutional and say he won’t enforce it. You can think the Supreme Court is terrible but you have to live with a conservative ruling you don’t like, but the lady suffered no harm, there was no ruling by Colorado to reverse or affirm. Everything was all purely hypothetical. At that point the Supreme Court really does become a legislature and not a judiciary.


Biden is least likely president ever to do this. He is mr norms.

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If you banked with Wells Fargo, then getting a PPP loan was harrowing, at least in the first round.


The co-op that owns my building got a PPP loan. It technically has employees (building staff) but it doesn’t seem like much of a business to me. The money went to people that own expensive apartments.

OK so digging into it, it turns out Colorado had a Republican AG and this was a situation where everyone was conservative and working together to get the political outcome they wanted. Colorado’s AG agreed to the hypothetical facts of the case so even though there was no ruling by the Colorado government, they agreed that this is how they would have ruled.

Good lord, I was on my coop board and we tapped into a credit line in 2020 for facade repair and I never even considered this. Lol at us.

And the majority is already setting the stage for next term. After dropping its last decisions on Friday, the court released its final orders list. Over liberal dissents, the majority refused to consider a voter suppression law in Mississippi that was explicitly designed to “exclude the negro” from the political process. It also turned away a case challenging a Mississippi prosecutor’s use of strikes to keep Black citizens off the jury in the capital trial of a Black defendant. Milligan , it seems, represented quite enough racial justice for the 2020s.

Next term, the high court has agreed to decide whether the Chevron doctrine still requires judicial deference to federal agencies’ interpretation of ambiguous statutes, and whether a federal law prohibiting individuals from “possessing a firearm while under a domestic violence restraining order” is unconstitutional.

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We must respect the legacy of legacies…

I am surprised gay marriage isn’t already on the docket

Next up for the court is giving back the right to own a gun to convicted wife beaters and stalkers.

How any woman votes Republican is beyond me.

I doubt it. That seems like one that they took to give cover to all the other heinous bullshit they’re gonna do next term. A variation of the Roberts two step.

I’d take action on this one. Seems like a lock to me they grant this.

Guess we will see. It’s the worst guessing game ever!

Sure, how much you wanna do? Something like $50? I’m up for more or less, whatever you wanna do. I win if they reverse the 5th circuit in United States v Rahimi, you win if they uphold. No action if for some reason there’s a tie.

How would we handle middle ground crap? I’m not a lawyer but I think there might be versions that are not true uphold or overrule.

If some middle ground happens bet off?

Yeah, IANAL either but I would agree to no action on any kind of middle ground bullshit.


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