The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

This country doesn’t have 20 years. Most likely it has 2. You’re basically just saying WAAF, you’re just not being honest with yourself about it because to be honest with yourself would send you into a nihilistic tailspin. Which fair enough maybe accepting that isn’t the right move for you.

I wish I could pretend to have hope about gradual change in 2022. The last train to viable gradual change derailed and then exploded when Trump got elected in 2016. It was barely viable if we won in 2016, going backwards four years and then having the Democratic party implode under Biden (who as you’ll recall I said would totally tank our last shot if he won the primary back during the primary) has just totally knocked out all the outs left in the deck. There’s like 1 card left to be dealt and we’re at 0% equity.


My guess is that organizations like Run For Something probably have this type of data. My gut tells me that primary losers, if they run again, run for a different office. GenE losers seem to try the same race again. But that’s just anecdotal.

C’mon man it’s not that bad.

We’re all-in and we’ve got 76ss against AKss on 3sQsJs.

Runner runner straight flush potential!

Turn: 5s

German reg: “By the way, American democracy, I folded black 4s.”


Yeah was going to provide a stark contrast to our psychotic right wing government of eleven years then proceeded to jail more refugees in offshore detention (a model the repubs could only dream of) than the previous government had dreamed of!

So, you’re spending every disposable dollar on guns?

So what do you think life will like once they take full control? Can you give us a peak into the future?

You can’t runner runner with one card left. Runner runner was what we had at the start of the Biden term. We needed for Biden to basically find his inner LBJ and get a bunch of shit done in a very short period of time.

I think they’ll kill a lot more people through incompetence than they could dream of killing through repression. That isn’t to say they won’t kill people directly for political reasons they’ll do that plenty… but that number will seem extremely small next to the absolute mountain of corpses yielded by having complete idiots in charge of a very delicate and difficult macroeconomic/political situation.

I don’t think Donald’s record of doing incredibly odious things followed by causing the deaths of literally a million Americans through simple incompetence is going to be a fluke. I think that’s going to happen, but longer than for 4 years.

We are drawing to the workers realising the game was rigged and flipping the table after they see the pot get pushed. It’s gonna ruin the game and security will get called but it’s the only chance for anyone to get their hands on some chips.

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Yeah that’s how the fascist period ends for sure. It can only come into existence with the blessing of the corporate powers that be and they will not tolerate any movement toward reducing inequality. As a result there’s not going to be any way for our new far right leaders to reduce the overall rage level among the workers… which is building pretty quickly right now.

Problem is the corporate media has gotten very very good at channeling rage away from it’s natural targets and towards anything else. That’s it’s one job and it is very proficient. The billionaire owners of the major news organisations really want you to know that this is all the fault of trans activists/gun toting trumpers (delete as appropriate).

Eh. I think there are diminishing returns to that. It won’t do shit vs bread riots for instance.

No it wasn’t. It was funded by Americans For Prosperity - the Koch bros/network.




“Had” to exit through the back lol

Or what, someone was going to call Brett a twat and hurt his feelings?


Just find people to take turns watching his house, noting when he or his family leave, track their movements, and tweet out their destinations. You don’t have to do anything to them, just make sure he knows he is being watched and let his own imagination drive him crazy.

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This is way over the line. Remove this post.

If mods aren’t stepping in here they serve no purpose. @mods What in the actual fuck?

Can we not get this site put on an FBI watchlist, thnx.

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Decent chance people are already doing it. As long as it’s not breaking any laws, what’s the big deal?