The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


The answer is easy. Round up 1,000 women (or whatever) and implant those embryos ASAP. In fact, Since the embryos are probably disproportionately white “babies” if they are then raised in non-white brood mares, errr females, that a cycle of white dilution that can be avoided. Win-win.

The more you KKKnow.

Decision today coming on the authority of the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector. Wonder which way it will go!

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Both gonna be by the chief today. RIP. Although maybe we can squeak out a win in Biden v Texas.

EPA can no longer P the E per SCOTUS


Finally able to curb the oppressive power of that socialist government agency created by checks notes Richard Nixon!

lol at Biden v Texas being a 5-4 squeaker. Is POTUS still POTUS when they’re a D? 5-4 “I guess so”

How does any executive agency function if their is not delegation of authority? Congress is free to overrule them at anytime. How does the fed set monetary policy etc

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They’re working their way up to saying non-delegation prevents all federal agencies from existing. “Major questions” is one of the more bullshit argle-bargle things they’ve come up with in their quest to do so for sure though.

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Wait wut, there is a 5-4 win?? Who are the two traitors subject to RWNK wrath? Roberts and ???


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Yeah, the median justice now is either Gorsuch or Rapey McBeerface depending on the issue. Not great.



Three grants, including Moore v. Harper, the “independent state legislature” theory case.

Looks like we’ve got a good one to look forward to for next year. Going to make sure to lock in the riggage before the election this time instead of scrambling after the fact.

Gonna be a blockbuster!

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