The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Me too, I made a since deleted post before reading his statement

He’s been known as a “pro-tribal sovereignty guy”

Wow, one of six them has a sincere, principled belief!

Any idea what happens to indian casinos now?


Harvard Law professor faces criticism from the real world. Retreat to the ivory tower!!!

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This might be the woat take on this board


I would say all they have is one trick but if the trick works

The Thomas More Society, a conservative legal organization, is drafting model legislation for state lawmakers that would allow private citizens to sue anyone who helps a resident of a state that has banned abortion from terminating a pregnancy outside of that state. The draft language will borrow from the novel legal strategy behind a Texas abortion ban enacted last year in which private citizens were empowered to enforce the law through civil litigation.

Just because you jump across a state line doesn’t mean your home state doesn’t have jurisdiction,” said Peter Breen, vice president and senior counsel for the Thomas More Society. “It’s not a free abortion card when you drive across the state line.”

More of this pls


The eDems disapprove.

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Only thing missing is a milkshake toss. Remember when that was cool for a hot minute?

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I hope they still have the Andy Ngo cement milkshake recipe handy

Hey man, not cool. He had MAJOR BRAIN DAMAGE

And then he got hit with the milkshake


Only because they didn’t ask for a donation.

Question for the lawbros. I assume if you call up your local AG’s office and they tell you something like this, it is not binding.

They could just change their mind about how they interpret the law. Or maybe then next AG feels differently. At least I assume that is how it works. Is there any way to get some ironclad assurance that you wouldn’t get prosecuted.

No. Even if you got written permission from the DA, the next one could go the other way. Your defense would be to a judge after charges are filed.


Today we get the end of the regulatory state and SCOTUS taking over foreign policy from POTUS.

Happy Thursday!